Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/610

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567 For payment to Vincentia V. Irwin, widow of the late Ensign vincentia V . Irwin . Gratuity pay to, for Glendon Ward Irwin, United States Navy, of an amount equal to death of hu sband . six months' pay at the rate said Glendon Ward Irwin was receiving at the date of his death, as authorized by the Act approved May 26, Vol . 45, p .1983. 1928 ,$9 35. For payment to Lucy B . Knox, widow of the late Lieutenant Corn- Lucy B . xnox . Gratuity pay to, for mander Forney Moore Knox, United States Navy, of an amount equal death of husband. to six months' pay at the rate said Forney Moore Knox was receiving at the date of his death, as authorized by the Act approved May 26, Vol . 45,p.1991 . 1928, $2,370. Section 202 of title 34, of the Code of Laws s of the United States of Enlisted men . Vol. 43, p. 1276, America, is amended to read as follows :

amended . cc

U.S. C.,p. 1106. SEC. 202 . Discharge of men under twenty-one .-Upon the pres- On application of entatio n of s atisfa ctory eviden ce as to his age an d upon appli cation par en t, etc . ' discharge authorized if enlist- for discharge by his parent or guardian presented to the Secretary ment under age of 21 there- within ninety days after the date of his enlistment, any man enlisted of'thout consent there- in the naval service, including the Marine Corps, under twenty-one years of age, who was enlisted without the written consent of his parent or guardian, if any, shall be discharged for his own convenience ." MAINT ENANCE, BUREAU OF SUPPLIE S AND AC COUNTS For equipage, supplies, and services under the cognizance of the Maintenance. Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, including stationery for com- manding , exec utive, commu nicati on, an d navig ating office rs of ships, boards and courts on ships, and chaplains ; services of civilian employees under the cognizance of the Bureau of Supplies and Fre ig ht, etc ., De. Accounts ; freight, express, and parcel-post charges pertaining to the partment and bureaus . Navy Department and Naval Establishment, $10,205,000 : Provided, Provi8o . 'That the sum to b e paid ou t of this appropri ation, un der the d irection ices. heChemical, etc ., ser•- of the Secret ary of the N avy, f or che mists a nd for cleri cal, i nspec- tion, a nd mes senger servi ce in the su pply an d acco unting depar tments of the na vy yards, naval st ations, a nd disbur sing offi ces for t he fiscal year ending June 30, 1931, shall not exceed $3,175,000 . The clothing and small-stores fund shall be charged with the value Clothing and small- of all issues of clothing and small stores made to enlisted men of the st ir ue to sNaval Re- Naval Reserve and the uniform gratuity paid to officers of the Naval serves, from . Reserve. FUEL AND TRANSPORTATION, BUREAU OF SUPPLIES AND ACCOUNTS For coal and other fuel for submarine bases and steamers' and ships' us e, includ ing expen ses of tr ansportat ion, stor age, and handling the same and the removal of fuel refuse from ships ; maintenance and general operation of machinery of naval fuel depots and fuel plants

water for all purposes on board naval vessels, and ice for the cooling of water, including the expense of transportation and storage of both, $9,600,000 : Provided, That fuel acquired other than by purchase shall not be issued without charging the applicable appropriation with the cost of such fuel at the rate current at the time of issue for fuel purchased : Provided further, That the President may direct the use, wholly or in part, of fuel on hand, however acquired, to be charged at the last issue rate for fuel acquired by purchase, when, in his judgment, prices quoted for supplying fuel are excessive . Fuel, transportation of, etc. Provisos . Issue of, charged to appropriation applica- ble . Prices for fuel on hand.