Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/620

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SEVENTY -FIRST CONGRE SS . SEss. II. Cia. 463. 1930 .

577 Office of Judge Advocate General, $134,880. Judge Advocate Gen- Office of Chief of Naval Operations, $72,780 . er Chief of Naval Oper- Board of Inspection and Survey, $21,020 .

atB os . p


oard of Inspection Office of Directo r of Naval Communica tions, $133 ,060 .

and Survey . >

Director of Nava l Office of Naval Intelligence, $41,060 .

Communications . Nav al Int ell ige nce . Bureau of Nav igation , $496, 320 . BureauofNavigation . Hydrographic Office, $425,180 . Hydrographic Offic e . Naval Obse rvato ry, i ncludi ng $2 ,500 for p ay of compu ters on Naval Observatory. piecework in preparing for publication the American Ephemeris and Nautical n5Allmanac. Nautical Almanac and in improving the tables of the planets, moon, and stars, $195,380.

Bureau of Engineer- Bureau of Engineering, $316,220 .

ing . Bureau of Construction and Repair, $388,780 .

Bureau of Construe- tion and Repair . Bureau of Ord nance, $160,36 0 .

Bureau of Ordnance . Bure au of Suppl ies Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, $861,000 .

and Accou nts. Bureau of Med icine a nd Surg ery, $8 6,280 .

Bure au of Medic ine and Surgery . Bureau of Yards and Docks, $312,920 .

Bureau of Yards and Bureau of Aeronautics, $287,240 .

Docks . Bure au of Aeron au- In all, salaries, Navy Department, $4,205,000 .

tics . In exp ending appropr iations or por tions of appr opriati ons Con - Salaries limited to average rates under tained in this Act, for the payment for personal services in the Dis- classificati o n Act. tric t of Colum bia in acc ordance wi th the Cla ssificatio n Act of 19 23, as amended (U. S. C., title 5, sees. 661-673 ; U. S. C., Supp. III, Vol. 45 p7766 . t itl e 5, s ees . 673, 675), w ith the exception o f the Assistant Sec retaries p . is . of the Navy the average of the salaries of the total number of per- Post, p.1003. sons under any grade in any bureau, office, or other appropriation unit shall not at any time exceed the average of the compensation ra tes specif ied for th e grade by such Act, as amended , and in g rades ina onl y one posit ion in which onl y one posi tion is all ocated, th e salary o f such pos ition shall not exceed the average of the compensation rates for the grade, except that in unusually meritorious cases of one position in a grade Allowance in unusu- advances may be made to rates higher than the average of the com- ally meritorious cases . pe nsation rates of the grade but not more o ften th an once in any Proviso . fisc al year and then on ly to the next high er rate : Provide d, Th at thi s Restriction not ap. plicable to cleri cal-me . restriction shall not apply (1) to grades 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the clerical- chanicalservice . me chanical s ervice, or (2) to req uire the r eduction i n salary o f any sa lao es . ductioninSsed person whose compensation was fixed as of July 1, 1924, in accord- Vol. 42, p. 1490. ance with the rules of section 6 of such A ct, (3) to require the reduc- Transfers to another position without reduc- ti on in sala ry of any person who is transfe rred from one positi on to ti on . another position in the same or different grade in the same or a diff erent bureau, offic e, or other appropr iation unit, or (4) to prevent pa yme nts un der the payment of a salary under any grade at a rate higher than the higher rates permitted . maximum rate of the grade when such higher rate is permitted by the Classification Act of 1923, as amended, and is specifically authorized by other law . When specifically approved by the Secretary of the Navy, trans- Tra nsf ers al low ed be- twee n app ropria tions fers may be made between the appropriations in this Act under the for any bureau, etc ., to resp ective jurisdiction of any bureau, off ice, board, or corp s, in order meet reallocation in- to meet incr eases in c ompensation resulting from the reallocati on by the Personnel Classification Board of positions under any such organization unit . Any such transfers shall be reported to Congress Report of, to con- in the annual Budget . CONTINGENT EXPENSES For professional and technical books and periodicals, law books, and necessary reference books, including city directories, railway guides, freight, passenger, and express tariff books and photostating, fo r depar tment library ; for purchase of photographs, maps, docu- me nts, an d pict orial r ecords of the Navy, p hotosta ting an d other 57S94'-31-37 Dep artmen t con tin- gent expenses . Library, etc. Nav al rec ord s of world war. Ante, p. 576.