Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/654

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611 gun-barrel molds not in bars ; concrete reinforcement bars ; all

SCHEDULES . descriptions and shapes of dry sand, loam, or iron molded steel `~etais and manu- y



factures of. castings ; sheets and plates and steel not specially provided for ; all Sheets, plates, etc . the foregoing valued at not above 1 1/2 cents per pound, three-tenths of 1 cent per pound ; valued above 11 /2 and not above 21/2 cents per pound, five-tenths of 1 cent per pound ; valued above 21 /2 and not above 31/2 cents per pound, eight-tenths of 1 cent per pound ; valued above 31/2 and not above 5 cents per pound, 1 cent per pound ; valued above 5 and not above 8 cents per pound, 1- 17u cents per pound ; valued above 8 and not above 12 cents per pound, 21 /2 cents per pound ; valued above 12 and not above 16 cents per pound, 31/2 cents per pound ; valued above 16 cents per pound, 20 per centum ad valorem : Provided, That on steel circular saw plates there shall be ~ ~ Saw plat es . levied, collected, and paid an additional duty of one-fourth of 1 cent per pound : Provided further, That on hollow bars and hollow Hollow bars, etc. drill steel valued at more than 4 cents per pound there shall be le vied, coll ected, and paid an ad ditional d uty of thr ee-fourths of 1 ce nt per pound . PAR. 305 . In addition to the rates of duty provided for in para- alloys Hdu ty neen grap hs 303, 304, 307, 3 08, 312, 313, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 322, 323, 324, 327, and 328 of this schedule, there shall be levied, collected and paid on all steel or iron in the materials and articles enumerated or described in such paragraphs (1) A duty of 8 per centum ad valorem if such steel or iron Alloys designated . contains more than one-tenth of 1 per centum of vanadium, or more than two-tenths of 1 per centum of tungsten, molybdenum, or chromium, or more t han six-te nths of 1 per centum of nickel , co balt, or a ny other m etallic el ement used in alloyi ng steel o r iron : Provid ed, That phosphorus shall not be considered as Proviso. Phosphorus alloying material unless present in the steel or iron in excess of nese, sili con. 5 per centum, nor shall manganese or silicon be so considered unless either is present in the steel in excess of 1 per centum, or unless either is present in the iron in excess of 3 per centum ; and (2) an additional cumulative duty of $1 per pound on the cumul ative duty on vanadium content in excess of one-tenth of 1 per centum, 72 exces s con tents . ce nts per po und on the tungsten content in excess of two-tenth s of 1 per centum, 65 cents per pound on the molybdenum con- tent in excess of two-tenths of 1 per centum, and 3 cents per pound on the chromium content in excess of two-tenths of 1 per centum . PAR. 306 . All metal prod uced from iron or it s ores, wh ich is cast Cast and malleable and malleable, of whatever description or form, without regard to iron class ed as steel . the percentage of carbon contained therein, whether produced by cementation, or converted, cast, or made from iron or its ores, by the crucible, electric, Bessemer, Clapp-Grif fith, pneu matic, Thom as- Gi lchrist, b asic, Siem ens-Martin, or open-h earth proc ess, or by the equivalent of either, or by a combination of two or more of the processes, or their equivalents, or by any fusion or other process which produces from iron or its ores a metal either granular or fibrous in structure, which is cast and malleable, excepting what is known as malleable-iron castings, shall be classed and denominated as steel . PAR . 30 7 . Boiler or ot her plate iron or s teel, except crucib le plate Iron or steel . ste el and saw pl ate ste el, not thinne r than one hun dred an d nine one-thousandths of one inch, cut or sheared to shape or otherwise, or unsheared , and skel p iron or s teel shear ed or roll ed in groo ves, valued at not above 3 cents per pound, five-tenths of 1 cent per pound ; valued at over 3 cents per pound, 20 per centum ad valore m :