Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/66

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22 Appointment of spe- c ial ag ents, superv isors , etc . Vol.32,p.51. Enumerators. For Ar my, Navy, etc., posts . Field work by execu- tive departments, etc ., em ployee s . Compensation of ap- pointees. Provisos. Special agents . Ad ditio nal sp ecial ag ents d uring censu s period . Detail of permanent employees as supervi- sors or enumerators. Inquiriesrestricted to designated subjects . Schedules. Duties of su pervisors. Dut ies o f enum era- tors . Personal visits, etc. SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SESS . I. Cia. 28. 1929 . That special agents, supervisors, supervisors' clerks, enumerators, and interpreters may be appointed by the Director of the Census to carry out the provisions of this Act and of the Act to provide for a permanent Census Office, approved March 6, 1902, and Acts amend- atory thereof or supplemental thereto, such appointments to be made without regard to the Civil Service laws or the Classification Act of 1 923, a s ame nded, excep t tha t such spec ial a gents shall be ap point ed in accordance with the Civil Service laws . The Director of the Census ma y delegate to the supervisors authority to appoint enumerators . Th e enlisted men and officers of the Army, Navy, and Marine Corps m ay be app ointed and compensa ted for th e enumerat ion of Ar my, Navy, Marine, and other military posts . Employees of the Depart- me nt of Commerce and other departments and independent offices of the Government may, with the consent of the head of the respective department or office, be employed and compensated for field work in connection with the Fifteenth Decennial Census . The special agents, s upervi sors, super visor s' cl erks, enume rator s, and inte rprete rs th us appointed shall receive compensation at rates to be fixed by the Director of the Census : Provid ed, That special agents appointed at a per diem rate shall not be paid in excess of $8 per diem except as hereinafter provided ; and that the c ompensati on on a pi ece- price basis may be fixed without limitation as to the amount earned per diem : Provided further, That during the decennial census period the Director of the Census may fix the compensation of not to exceed twenty-five special agents at an amount not to exceed $12 per diem Pr ovided f urther, That permanent employees of the Census Office and special agents may be detailed, when necessary, to act as super- visors or enumerators, such permanent employees and special agents to have like authority with and perform the same duties as the supervisors or enumerators in respect to the subjects committed to them under this Act . SEc. 4 . That the fifteenth and subsequent censuses shall be re- st ricted to in quiries rel ating to po pulation, t o agricultu re, to irri ga- tion, to drainage, to distribution, to unemployment, and to mines . The number, form, and subdivision of the inquiries in the schedules used to take the census shall be determined by the Director of the Census, with the approval of the Secretary of Commerce . SEc . 5. That each supervisor shall perform such duties as may be imposed upon him by t he Director of the Census in the enforcement of this Act, and the duties thus imposed shall be performed in any and all particulars in accordance with the orders and instructions of the Director of the Census ; that each enumerator or other employee detailed to serve as enumerator shall be charged with the collection i n his subdivision of the fact s and stati stics calle d for on th e popula- tion and agricultural schedules, and such other schedules as the Director of the Censu s may determine shall be used by him in con- nection with the census . It shall be the duty of each enumerator to visit personally each dwelling house in his subdivision, and each family therein, and e ach individual living out of a family in any place of abode, and by inquiry made of the head of each family, or of the member thereof deemed most competent and trustworthy, or of such individual living out of a family, to obtain each and every item of information and all particulars required for the census ; and in case no person shall be found at the usual place of abode of such family, or individual living out of a family, competent to answer the inquiries, then it shall be lawful for the census employee to obtain the required informat ion as nearly as may be practicable from the family or families or person or persons living nearest to such place of abode who may be comp etent to answer such inquiries .