Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/670

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627 in leaf, 6 cents per one hundred leaves and 10 per centum ad valorem .

SCHEDULE 3. The foregoinrates on leaf apply to leaf not exceeding in size the faureslof."a menu- equivalent of- five and one-half by five and one-half inches ; addi- Dimensions. tioiial duties in the same proportion shall be assessed on leaf exceed- ing in size said equivalent . (b) Stamping and embossing materials of bronze powder, or stamping ate ial aim Dutch metal powde r, or aluminum powde r, mounted on paper or equivalent backing, and releasable from the backing by means of heat and pressure, three-eighths o f 1 cent per one hundred square inches . PAR. 383 . (a) Gold leaf, unmounted, 821/2 cents per one hundred Gold leaf. leaves . The foregoing rate applies to leaf not exceeding in size the equivalent of three and thre e-ei ghth s by three and three-eighths inches ; additional duties in the same proportion shall be assessed on leaf exce edin g in size sai d equ ival ent . Gold leaf, moun ted on p aper or equivalent backing, 63/4 cents per one hundred square inches and 25 per centum ad valorem . (b) Silver leaf, 5 cents per one hundred leaves .

Silverleaf . P AR . 384 . C abinet l ocks, no t of pin tumbler or cyli nder con strue- Cabinet locks, etc . tion, no t over o ne and o ne-half inches i n width, 70 cents per doz en ; over one and one-half and not over two and one-half inches in width, $1 per dozen ; over two and one-half inches in width, $1 .50 per dozen ; padlocks, not of pin tumbler or cylinder construction, not over one and one-half inches in width, 35 cents per dozen ; over one and one- half and not over two and one-half inches in wid th, 50 c ents per dozen ; over two and one-half inches in width, 75 cents per dozen ; padlocks of pin tumbler or cylinder construction, not over one and one-half inches in width, $1 per dozen ; over one and one-half and not over two and one -hal f in ches in width, $1 .50 per dozen ; over two and one- half inc hes in width, $2 per dozen ; all other locks or latches of pin tumbler or cylinder construction, $2 per dozen


addition thereto, on all the foregoing, 20 per centum ad valorem . PAR. 385. Tinsel wire, made wholly or in chief val ue of gold, lah Tiin sel w ire, lame or silver, or other metal, 6 cents per pound and 10 per centum ad valorem ; lame or lahn, made wholly or in chief value of gold, silver, or other metal, 6 cents per pound and 20 per centum ad valorem ; bullions and metal threads made wholly or in chief value of tinsel wire, lame or lahn, 6 cents per pound and 35 per centum ad valorem ; beltings and other articles made wholly or in chief value of tinsel etc . i cles oftin selW ire, wire, metal thread, lame or lahn, or of tinsel wire, lame or lahn and india rubber, bullions, or metal threads, not specially provided for, 45 per centum ad valorem ; woven fabrics, ribbons, fringes, and tassels, made wholly or in chief value of any of the foregoing, 55 per cen tum ad valorem .

Quicksilver . P AR . 386 . Quicksilver, 25 cents per pound : P rovi ded, That the Proviso . flasks, bottles, or other vessels in which quicksilver is imported shall Flasks . be subject to the same rate of duty as they would be subjected to if imported empty . PAR . 387. Phosphor-copper or phosphorus-copper, 3 ce nts per Phosphor-copper . pound . P AR . 388 . New types, 30 per centum ad valorem .

Types . PAR . 389. Nickel, and alloys (except those provided for in para- Nickel . graph 302 or 380) in which nickel is the component material of chief value, in pigs or ingots, shot, cubes, grains, cathodes, or similar forms, 3 cents per pound ; in bars, rods, plates, sheets, strips, strands, cast- ings, wire, tubes, tubing, anodes, or electrodes, 25 per centum ad val ore m ; and in addition thereto, on all the foregoing, if cold rolled, cold dra wn, or cold work ed, 10 per centum ad val orem . PAR . 390. Bottle caps of metal, collapsible tubes, and sprinkler Metal bot tle caps, tops, if not decorated, colored, waxed, lacquered, enameled, litho- etc .