Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/687

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS. SEss. II. Cia. 497. 1930 . SCHEDULE 10. SCHEDULE 10.-FLAX, H EMP, JU TE, AND MAN UFAC - Flax, hemp , jute, and manu factur es of .

TURE S OF Flax and hemp. PAR. 1001 . Flax straw, $3 per ton ; flax, not hackled, 11 /2 cents per pound ; flax, hackled, including "dressed line ", 3 cents per pound ; flax tow, flax noils, and crin vegetal, twisted or not twisted, 1 cent per pound ; hemp and hemp tow, 2 cents per pound ; hackled hemp, 31/2 -cents per pound . Sliver and roving .

PAR . 1002 . Sliver and roving, of flax, hemp, ramie, or other vege- table fiber, not specially provided for, 20 per centum ad valorem . roJ vun tee yeat rns ,sh ver and PAR. 1003. Jute yarn s or r oving , sing le, c oarser in size than twenty-pound, 21/2 cents per pound ; twen ty- pou nd up to but not including ten-pound, 4 cents per pound ; ten-pound up to but not including fi ve-pound, 51/2 cen ts per pound ; five-pound and finer, 7 cent s per pound , but not more than 40 per c entum ad valorem ; jute sliver, 11/2 cents per pound ; twist, twine, and cordage, composed of two or more jute yarns or rovings twisted together, the size of the single yarn or roving of which is coarser than twenty-pound, 3 1 /2 cent s per pound ; twenty-pound up to but not including ten-pound, 5 cents per pound ; ten-pound up to but not including five-pound, 61 /2 ce nts per pound ; five-pound and finer, 9 cents per pound ; and in addition thereto, on any of the foregoing twist, twine, and cordage, when bleache d, dyed, or othe rwise treated, 2 cents per pound . Single yarns . PAR. 1004. (a) Single yarns, of flax, hemp, or ramie, or a mixture Flax,nemp,orramie . of any of them, not finer than sixty lea, 35 per centum ad valorem

finer than sixty lea, 25 per centum ad valorem . Threads , twines, and (b) Threads, twi ne s, and cords, composed of two or mo re yarns ,ords.

of fla x, hem p, or ramie, or a mixtur e of a ny of them, twisted toget her, 40 per centum ad valorem . Twines excepted . (c) There shall not be classified under this paragraph any twines or co rds composed of three or mo re strands, each strand composed of two or more yarns, if such t wines or cords a re wholly or in c hief value of flax or ramie and three-sixteenths of one inch or more in diameter, or wholly or in chief value of hemp and one-eighth of one inch or more in diameter . Co rdage . PAR . 1005 . (a) Cordage, including cables, tarred or untarred, com- posed of three or more strands, each strand composed of two or more yarns : Manila, sisal, etc .

(1) Wholly or in chief value of manila (abaca), sisal, hene- quen, or other hard fiber, 2 cents per pound ; and in addition thereto, on any of the foregoing smaller than three-fourths of one inch in diameter, 15 per centum ad valorem ; Sunn, etc°

(2) wholly or in chief value of sunn, or other bast fiber, but not including cordage made of jute, 2 cents per pound ; Hemp .

(3) wholly or in chief value of hem p, 31/4 cents per pound . Cords and twines .

(b) Cords and twine s (wh ether or no t comp osed of three or more strands, each strand composed of two or more yarns), tarred or untarred, single or plied, wholly or in chief value of manila (abaca), sisal, henequen, or other hard fiber, 40 per centum ad valorem . Fishing nets, etc .

PAR . 1006. Gill nettings, nets, webs, and seines, and other nets for fishing, wholly or in chief value of flax, hemp, or ramie, and not specially provided fo r, 45 per centum ad valorem. Hos e for liqui ds.

PAR. 1007 . Hose, suitable for conducting liquids or gases, wholly or in chief value of vegetable fiber , 191/2 ce nts per po und and 15 per centum ad valorem . Woven fabrics . PAR . 1008 . Woven fabrics, wholly of jute, not specially provided for, not bleached, printed, stenciled, painted, dyed, colored, or rendered noninflammable, 1 cent per pound ; bleached, printed, sten- ciled, painted, dyed, colored, or rendered noninflammable, 1 cent per po und and 10 per centum ad valorem .