Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/720

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677 PAR. 16 62 . Cotto n, not sp ecially provided for, PAR. 1663 . Cryolite, or kryolith . PAR . 1664 . Metallic mineral substances in a crude drosses, skimmings, residues, brass foundry ash, and specially provided for . PAR . 1665 . Curling stones . PAR . 1666 . Cuttlefish bone . PAR . 1667 . Cyanide : Potassium cyanide, sodium cyanide, all cyan ide salts and cya nide mix tures (n ot inclu ding sulp hocyanid es or thiocyanides, thiocyanates, nitroprussides, ferrocyanides, ferricya- nides, and cyanates) . PAR . 1668 . Diamonds and other precious stones, rough or uncut, and not advanced in condition or value from their natural state by cleaving, splitting, cutting, or other process, whether in their natural form or broken, glaziers and engravers diamonds, any of the fore- going not set, miners' diamonds, and diamond dust . PAR . 16 69 . Drugs such as barks, beans, berr ies, buds, bulbs, bulbous ro ots, excre scen ces, fruit s, fl owers , dr ied f ibers , dri ed i nsect s, gr ains, herbs, leaves, lichens, mosses, logs, roots, stems, ve geta ble s, seed s (aromatic, not garden seeds), seeds of morbid growth, weeds, and all other drugs of vegetable or animal origin ; all the foregoing which are natural and uncompounded drugs and not edible, and not specially provided for, and are in a crude state, not advanced in value or condition by shredding, grinding, chipping, crushing, or any other process or treatment whatever beyond that essential to the proper packing of the drugs and the prevention of decay or deterioration pending manufacture : Provided, That no article con- tai ning alc ohol shal l be adm itted fr ee of du ty under this par agraph . PAR. 1670 . Dyeing or tanning materials : Fustic wood, hemlock bark, logwood, mangrove bark, oak bark, quebracho wood, wattle bar k, divi- divi, myr obalans fruit, s umac, va lonia, nu tgalis or gall nuts, and all articles of vegetable origin used for dyeing, coloring, staining, or tanning, all the foregoing, whether crude or advanced in value or condition by shredding, grinding, chipping, crushing, or any similar process ; all the foregoing not containing alcohol and not specially provided for . PAR . 1671 . Eggs of birds, fish, and insects (except fish roe for food purposes) : Provided, That the importation of eggs of wild birds is prohibited, except eggs of game birds imported for propagating purposes under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Agricul- ture, and specimens imported for scientific collections . PAR . 1 67 2 . Emery o re and corundum ore, and crud e artificial abrasives, not specially provided for .

Enaenrage PAR . 16 73 . Enfleurage greases, fl oral essences and floral concretes : e tc, Prov ided, Tha t no arti cle m ixed or c ompou nded with or c ontai ning Proviso . excl usi on . alcohol shall be exempted from duty under this paragraph . PAR. 1674 . Fans, common palm-leaf, plain and not ornamented or decorated in any manner, and palm leaf in its natural state not col- ored, dyed, or otherwise advanced or manufactured . PAR. 1675 . Ferrous sulphate or copperas . PAR. 1676 . Fibrin, in all forms . PAR . 1677 . Fish imported to be hu man cons umption . PAR. 1678 . Fishskins, raw PAR . 1679 . Natural flint, unground . PAR . 1680 . Fossils . PAR . 1681 . Furs and u ndre ssed . fur us ed skins, not for and cotton waste . or salted . natural flints, and natural flint stones, FREE LIST . Cot ton . Kryohth . state, such as Crude metallic min- flue dust, not erals. purposes other than spe ciall y pr ovide d for , Curling stones . Cuttlefish bone . Cyani de . Diamonds, etc . Crude vegetabl e or animal drugs, not edi- ble . Proviso . Alcohol exclusion . Vegetable dyeing or tanning materials . Alc ohol excl usion . Eggs . Proviso . Wild birds,restricted . Emery, etc . Copperas . Fibrin . Fish, nonedible . Fishskins . Flints . Fo ssils . Furs, undressed . gre ase s, Palm-leaf fans, etc .