Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/727

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SEVENTY-FIRST C ONGRESS . SEss. II. CH. 497. 1930 . Logs . FR EE LIST. Posts, etc. Pickets, etc . S ticks for u mbrell as, etc. Original paintings, sketches, sculptures, etc . Constructionofterms used . Ex clusi ons . Etching s, etc ., ad- mitted . Works of art, scien- tific apparatus, etc ., for temporary professional use . Bonds required . Proviso . Extensi on permitted . Works of art for per- manent exhibition by States, soc ieties, etc . duty, and if such d uty is not rem oved h e may b y procl amation declare such failure of negotiations, and in such proclamation shall state the facts upon which his action is taken together with the rates imposed, and make declaration that like and equal rate s sha ll be forth with impos ed as here inafte r pro vided ; whereupon, and until such duty is removed, there shall be levied, colle cted, a nd paid upon s uch lum ber, w hen imp orted d irectly or indi rectly fro m such cou ntry, depen dency, pro vince, or other subdivision of government, a duty equal to the duty imposed by such country, dependency, province, or other subdivision of government upon such lumber imported from the United States . (2) Logs ; timber, round, unmanufactured ; pulp woods ; firewood, handle bolts, shingle bolts ; gun blocks for gunstocks, rough hewn or sawed or planed on one side ; and laths ; all the foregoing not specially provided for . PAR. 1804 . Posts, railroad ties, and telephone, trolley, electric- light, and telegraph poles of cedar or other woods . PAR. 1805. Pickets, palings, hoops, and staves of wood of all kinds . PAR . 1806. Woods : Sticks of partridge, hair wood, pimento, orange, myrtle, bamboo, rattan, india malacca joints, and other woods not specially provided for, in the rough, or not further advanced than cut into lengths suitable for sticks for umbrellas, parasols, sun- shades, whips, fishing rods, or walking canes . PAR . 1807. Original paintings in oil, mineral, water, or other colors, pastels, original drawings and sketches in pen, ink, pencil, or water colors, artists' proof etchings unbound, and engravings and wood- cuts unbound, original sculptures or statuary, including not more than two replicas or reproductions of the same ; but the terms " sculp- ture " and "statuary " as used in this paragraph shall be under- s tood to in clude prof essional p roductions of sculpt ors only, whether i n round or in relief , in bronz e, marble, stone, te rra cotta, ivory, w ood, or me tal, or wh ether cut, carved, o r otherwis e wrought by hand from the solid bloc k or mass o f marble, stone, or alabaster, or from metal, or cast in bronze or other metal or substance, or from wax or p laster, ma de as the profession al product ions of sc ulptors on ly ; and the words " painting," " drawing," " sketch," " sculpture," and " stat- uary " as used in this paragraph industrial not be understood to include any articles of utility or for industrial use, nor such as are made w holly or i n part by stenciling or any ot her mechan ical proce ss ; and the words " etchings," " engravings," and " woodc uts " as used in this paragraph shall be understood to include only such as are printed by hand from' plates or blocks etched or engraved with hand tools and not such as are printed from plates or blocks etched or engraved by photochemical or other mechanical processes . PAR . 1808 . Works of art, drawings, engravings, photographic pic- t ures, and philosophi cal and sc ientific a pparatus b rought by profes- s ional artists, lect urers, or scientist s arriving from abr oad for use by them temporarily for exhibition and in illustration, promotion, and e ncourageme nt of art, science, or industr y in the U nited Stat es, and no t for sale , shall be admitted f ree of dut y, under s uch regula tions as the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe ; but bonds shall be given for the payment to the United States of such duties as may be imposed by law upon any and all such articles as shall not be exported within six months after such importation : Provided, That the Secretary of the Treasury may, in his discretion, extend such period for a further term of six months in cases where application therefor shall be made . PAR. 1809. Works of art, collections in illustration of the progress of the arts, sciences, agriculture, or manufactures, photographs, w orks in te rra cotta, parian, p ottery, or porcelain , antiquit ies and