Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/810

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S EVE NTY -FI RST CONGRESS . SEss. II. Cas . 504-506 . 1930 .

767 CHAP . 504 .-An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the Mill Four Drainage District, in Lincoln County, Oregon, to construct, maintain, and operate dams and dikes to prevent the flow of waters of Yaquina Bay and River into Nute s Slough, Boones Slo ugh, and sl oughs conn ected ther ewith . Be it enacted- by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of A meri ca in C ongr ess asse mbl ed, That the consent of Cong ress is granted to Mill Four Drainage District, organize d under the laws of the State of Oregon, to construct, maintain, and operate at points suitable to the interests of navigation dams and dikes f or preventing the f low of waters of Ya quina Bay and Rive r into Nutes Slough, Boones Slough, and sloughs connected therewith, in the State of Orego n . Work shall not be commenced on such dams or dikes until the plans therefor, including plans for all accessory works are submitted to and app roved by the Chief of Engineers and th e Secretary of War , who may impose such condit ions and stipulatio ns as they may dee m nec essary to pro tect t he inte rests of the United States . SEC . 2 . The authority granted by this . Act shall terminate if the actual construction of the dams and dikes hereby authorized is not commenced within one year and completed within three years from the date of approval of this Act . SEC . 3. The right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved . Approved, June 17, 1930 . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Ame rica in Cong res s as semb led, That the bridge now being constructed by the Highway Department of the State of Te nness ee ac ross Duck Rive r on the N ashv ille- Cente rvill e Roa d, n ear Centerville in Hickman County, Tennessee, and approximately one thousand feet upstream from the existing steel bridge on the Center- ville-Dickson Road, be, and the same is hereby, legalized to the same extent and with like effect as to all existing or future laws and regulations of the United States as if the approval of plans of said bridge by the Chief of Engineers and the Secretary of War required by the existing laws of the United States had been regularly obtained prior to commencement of construction of said bridge . SEC. 2 . That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved . Approved, June 17, 1930 . CHAP. 506 .-An Act Giving the consent and approval of Congress to the Rio Grande compact signed at Santa Fe, New Mexico, on February 12, 1929 . Be it enacted by the Sen ate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the consent and approval of Congress is hereby given to the compact signed by the c ommission ers for the States of Colora do, New M exico, and Texas at Santa Fe, New Mexico, on the 12th day of February, 1929, and thereafter approved by the Legislature of the State of Colorado by act approved April 19, 1929, by the Legislature of the State of New Mex ico by act approved March 9, 1929, and by the Legislatur e of the State of Texas by act approved May 22, 1929, which compact reads as follows June 17, 1930 . [S . 3898 .] [Public, No . 368 .] I aquina Bay and River . Mil l Four Drainage Dis trict m ay cons truct, etc, dams, etc, to pre- vent the flooding of, in to Notes, et c., Sloughs, Oreg. Approval of plans. Time for construct- ing . Amendment. CHAP . 505 .-An Act To legalize a bridge across Duck River, on the Nash- [S June . 4 17 175 .] 1 6 ville-Centerville Road, near Centerville in Hickman County, Tennessee, and [Public, No. 369 .] approximately one thousand feet upstream from the existing steel bridge on the Cent erville-Di ckson Road . Duck River, Tenn . Bridge acros s, on Nashville - Ce nte rvil le Road, Tenn., legalized . Amen dment, June 17, 1930 . [S. 3386.] [Public, No . 370.] Rio Grande compact . Consent of Congress to, by Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas for use of Rio Grande above Fort Quitman, Tex .