Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/812

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SESS. II . Ca. 506. 1930 . " (c) That with respect to the Rio Grande, the United States, without obligation imposed by international law and `being moved by considerati ons of intern ational comit y,' entered in to a treaty dated May 21, 1906 (Thirty-fourth Statutes, page 2953), with the United States of Mexico which obligated the United States of America to deliver from the Rio Grande to the United States of Mexico sixty thousand acre-feet of water annually and forever, whereby in order to fulfill that promise the United States of America, in effect, drew upon the States of Colorado, New Mexico, and Te xas a draft w orth to them many millions of dollars, and thereby there was cast upon them an obligation which should be borne by the Nation ; " (d) That for the economic development and conservati on of the waters of the Rio Grande Ba sin and for t he fullest rea lization of the purposes recited in the preamble to this compact it is of primary importance tha t the area in Colorado kno wn as the Clos ed Basin be drained and the water thus recovered be added to the flow of the river, and that a reservoir be constructed in Colorado upon the river at or near the site generally described as the State Line Reservoir site . The installation of the drain will materially augment the flow of the river, and the const ruction of the reser voir wi ll so r egulat e the fl ow as to remove forever the principal causes of the difficulties between the States signatory hereto ; and " (e) That in alleviation of the heavy burden so placed upon them it is the earnest conviction of these States that without cost to them the United States should construct the Closed Basin Drain and the State Line Reservoir described in paragraph (d) . " The signatory States agree that approval by Congress of this compact shall not be construed as constituting an acceptance or approval, directly, indirectly, or impliedly, of any statement or con- clusion appearing in this article . "ARTICLE III 769 Treaty duty to de- liver from Rio Grande desi gnat ed am ount of water to Mexico . Vol . 34, p. 2953. Effect on contribut- ing States . Closed Basin in Colo- rado to be drained, etc . State Lin e Reser- voir. Construction thereof by United States . Article III. " (a) Colorado, under the direction and administration of its Stream gauging sta- 7

tions to be maintained . State engineer, shall cause to be maintained and operated an auto- matic recording stream-gauging station at each of the following points, to wit " (1) On the R io Grande nea r Del Norte a t the station now main- tained, known and designated herein as the Del Norte gauging sta- tion (the water records from this station to include the flow diverted into the canal of the Del Norte irrigation system)

" (2) On the Rio Conejos near Mogote, a station known and designated herein as the Mogote gauging station ; " (3) On the Rio Grande at or near the Colorado-New Mexico interstate line, a station known and designated herein as the inter- s tate gau ging sta tion ; and "(4) Such other station or stations as may be necessary to comply with the pro visi ons of t his comp act . " (b) New Mexi co, under the direction an d administrati on of its State engineer, shall cause to be maintained and operated an auto- matic stream-gauging station at each of the following points, to wit

" (1) On the Rio Grande at the station known as Buckman ; "(2) On the Rio Grande at San Marcial ; "(3) On the Rio Gra nde at the El ephant Butte Reservoir outl et ; a "(4) Such other station or stations as may be necessary to comply with the pro visi ons of t his comp act . 57894•-31--49 By Colorado. By New Mexico.