Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/850

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Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Sta tes of A meri ca in Con gres s as sembl ed, That Willacy County, in the State of Texas, is hereby detached from the Corpus Christi division of the southern judicial district of the State of ri ex as, and attached to and made a part of the Brownsville division of the souther n judicial district of such S tate : Provided, That no civil or crimi nal cause commenced prior to the enactment of this Act shall be in any way affected by it . Approved, Jun e 24, 1930 . CHAP. 598 .-Joint Resolution For the participation of the United States in an exposition to be held at Paris, France, in 1931 . Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the invita- tion extended by the Government of France to the United States to participate in an international exposition of colonial and overseas countries to be held at Paris, France, in 1931, is hereby accepted . SEC . 2 . The President is authorized to appoint a commissioner general and one commissioner to represent the United States in the exposition, the amount of the compensation of each of whom, not to exceed $10,000 per annum, shall be determined by the Secretary of State . The commissioner general shall prescribe the duties of the commissioner and shall under the direction of the Secretary of State, (1) ma ke all needful rules and regu lations relative to the exhib its from this country and its oversea terri tories, and for the expendi- tu res inci dent to the inst alla tion of suc h ex hibi ts, and for the prep - aration of reports of the exposition and the general results thereof

(2) furnish such information to private exhibitors and prospective exhibitors as he may deem requisite and feasible; (3) make all proper arrangements for the preparation, transportation, installa- tion, display, and care of the exhibits from this country and its over- United States courts . Texas judicial dis . trict. Willacy County at- ta ched to Browns ville division . Proviso. Pending civil, etc., ca uses un affecte d . Vol. 37, p. 120. June 24, 1930 . [H.R. 12447.] [Public, No . 430 .] CHAP. 597 .-An A ct T o ext end hospi tal faci lities t o certai n retire d office rs and employees of the Lighthouse Service and to improve the efficiency of the Lighthouse Service . Be it enacted by the Sen ate and House - of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled , That hospital and icubl a Health Serv- e facilities of the Public Health Service shall be available Hospital, etc., facili- ties of, to be available at th e same cost a pplicable to retired offi cers and men in other to certain officers, etc ., branches of the Government service, under joint regulations to be of Lighthouse Service . presc ribed by the Secretary of the Treasury and the Secr etary of Commerce, to light keepers and assistant light keepers (who during their active service were entitled to medical relief at hospitals and other stat ions of the Public Health Ser vice), and officers and crews of vessels of the Lighthouse Service, who have been or who may hereafter be retired under the provisions of section 6 of the Act entitled "An A ct to authorize aids to navig ation and for other works in the Lighthouse Service, and for other purposes," approved June 20, 1918 (U . S . C., title 33, sec . 763), and of Acts amendatory thereof or su pplementary t hereto, notwi thstanding a ny other prov ision of law . Approved, Jun e 24, 1930 . Vol. 40, p. 608. U.S .C.,p . 1091. June 24, 1930. [H . J . Res. 311.] [Pub. Res., No. 95.1 International Expo- sition, Paris, France, in 1931 . Invitation of France accepted . Post, pp . 888, 1417, 1583. Appointment of Com- missioner General, etc. Compensation of . Duties of commis- sio ner pre scribed by . Other duties, relative to exhibit s from United States, etc ., under Sec- retary of State . SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SESS. II. Cas. 596-598 . 1930 . 807 CHAP. 596.-An Act To transfer Willaey County in the State of Texas from June 24, 1930 . the Corpus Christi division of the southern district of Texas to the Brownsville di vi sio n of such district . [H. R. 11050.1 [Public, No. 429.]