Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/859

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . II. Cns. 614-616 . 1930 . Federal Reserve Banks. Declaration of elec- tion of directors of . Report . June 26, 1930. [S .4243] CHAP . 615 .-An Act To provide for the closing of certain streets and alleys [Pu blic, No . 438.1 in the Reno section of the District of Columbia . District of Columbia. Str eet s, etc ., in Reno sub div isi on, a uth ori zed clo sed . Proviso. Title to reve rt to District of Columbia . June 26, 1930 . [S. 4287.] [Public, No. 439 .] Federal Far m Loan Act, amendment. Vol . 43, p. 1264, amonded . U. S. C., p. 316, omended ; Supp . IV, 11. 112. New matter added . Vol . 42, p. 1456, amended . U. S. C., p. 316, amended . Minimum ma turity provision on loans, etc ., eliminated. and by inserting in lieu thereof the following "Any candidate having a majority of all votes cast in the column of first choice shall be declared elected . If no candidate have a majori ty of all the vote s in the first col umn, then there sh all be ad ded together the votes cast by the electors for such candidates in the second column and the votes cast for the several candidates in the first column . The candidate then having a majority of the electors voting and the highest number of combined votes shall be declared elected . If no candidiate have a majority of electors voting and the highest number of votes when the first and second choices shall have been added, then the votes cast in the third column for other choices shall be added together in like manner, and the candidate then having the highest number of votes shall be declared elected . An immediate report of election shall be declared ." Appro ved, June 26, 1930 . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That upon the acquis ition by eit her th e Unit ed Sta tes or the Di strict of Co lumbia , or by both, of all the land in the subdivision of Reno lying within the territory bounded by Thirty-eighth Place, Fessenden Street, Howard Street, and the alley running east and west through squares 1762 and 1846 from the east line of Thirty-eighth Place extended to Howa rd St reet, the Comm issio ners of t he Di stric t of Colu mbia be, and they are hereby, authorized to close Emery Place, Vincent Street, Donaldson Place, McPherson Street, and the public alleys, lying within the above-described limits, or any portion or portions thereof Prov ided, That upon the closing of said streets or alleys, or any part thereof, the title to the land lying within the portion of the streets or alleys so close d shall r evert to the Dist rict of C olumbia . Approved, June 26, 1930 . CHAP . 616 .-An Act To amend section 202 of Title II of the Federal Farm Loan Act by providing for loans by Federal intermediate credit bank s to financing institutions on bills payable and by eliminating the requirement that loans, advances, or discounts shall have a minimum maturity of six months . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That section 202 (a) of Title II of the Federal Farm Loan Act, as amended (U . S . C ., title 12, ch . 8, sec . 1031), be amended by substituting a semicolon for the period at the end of paragraph (1) thereof and adding thereafter the following new matter : "?and to make loans or advances direct to any such organi zation , secu red by such o bligat ions . " SEC . 2. That section 202 (c) of Title II of the Federal Farm Loan Act, as amended (U. S. C ., title 12, ch . 8, sec. 1033), be amended by striking out the words " less than six months nor," so that said sec- tion will read as follows " Loans, advanc es, or disco unts m ade un der thi s sect ion sh all ha ve a maturity at the time they are made or discounted by the Federal interm ediate credi t bank of no t more than t hree y ears . An y Federal intermediate credit bank may in its discretion sell loans or discounts made under this section, with or without its endorsement ." Approved, June 26, 1930 .