Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/888

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss. II . CHs . 788, 801 . 1930 .

845 sons, firms, or corporations to whom it has mailed or otherwise delivered a copy of said notice of appeal . "(c) Within thirty days after the filing of said appeal any inter- ested person, firm, or corporation may intervene and participate in the proceedings had upon said appeal by filing with the court a notice of intention to intervene and a verified statement showing the nature of the interest of such party, together with proof of service of true copies of said notice and statement, both upon appellant and upon the commission . Any person, firm, or corporation who would be aggrieved or whose interests would be adversely affected by a reversal or modification of the decision of the commission com- plained of shall be considered an interested party . " ( d) At the earlies t conve nient time th e court shall hear a nd dete r- mine the appeal upon the record before it, and shall have power, upon such record, to enter a judgment affirming or reversing the deci- sion of the commission, and, in event the court shall render a decision and enter an order reversing the decision of the commission, it shall remand the case to the commission to carry out the judgment of the court : Provided, however, That the review by the court shall be limited to questions of law and that findings of fact by the commis- sion, if supported by substantial evidence, shall be conclusive unless it shall clearly appear that the findings of the commission are arbi- trary or capricious . The court's judgment shall be final, subject, however, to review by the Supreme Court of the United States upon writ of certiorari on petition therefor under section 347 of title 28 of the Judicial Code by appellant, by the commission, or by any interested party intervening in the appeal . "(e) The court may, in its discretion, enter judgment for costs in favor of or against an appellant, and/or other interested parties inte rven ing in s aid appe al, but not agai nst the comm issi on, depe nd- ing upon the nature of the issues involved upon said appeal and the outcome thereof : Provided, however, That th is section sha ll not relate to or affect appeals which were filed in said Court of Appeals prior to the enactment of this amendment ." Appro ved, July 1, 1930 . CHAP. 801 .-An Act To amend the Act entitled "An Act to regulate interstate transportation of black bass, and for other purposes," approved May 20, 1926 . Be it enacted by the Scnate and House of Representatives of the Unite d Stat es of Ameri ca in Congre ss ass emble d, Th at the Act enti tled "An Act to regu late the int erst ate tran spor tati on o f bl ack bass, and for other purposes," approved May 20, 1926 (U . S . C ., Sup . III, title 16, sees . 851-856), is amended to read as follows : " That when used in this Act the word `person' includes company, partnership, corporation, association, and common carrier . " SEc . 2 . It shall be unlawful for any person to deliver or know- ingly receive for transportation or knowingly to transport, by any means whatsoever, from any State, Territory, or the District of Columbia, to or through any other State, Territory, or the District of Columbia, or to or through any foreign country, any large-mouth black bass (Micropterus salmoides) or any small-mouth black bass (Micropterus dolomieu), if (1) such transportation is contrary to the law of the State, Territory, or the District of Columbia from which such black bass is or is to be transported, or (2) such black bass has been either caught, killed, taken, sold, purchased, possessed, or transported, at any time, contrary to the law of the State, Territory, Intervention, etc ., of interested persons. Interested person, etc ., defi ned . Early action bycourt . Proviso. Scope of review by court . Finality of judgment . Judgment for costs . Proviso. Appeals taken prior to provisions herein not affected . July 2, 1930. [S.941 ] [Public, No . 495.] Black bass . Vol . 44, p. 5 76, amended . U . S. C., Supp. IV, p. 182. Post, p . 1565. "Pers on", defi ned . Interstate, etc., trans- portation of, unlawful . If contrary to laws of State, etc ., of origin . If illegally ca ught, etc .