Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/989

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . II. Cu. 847. 1930 . such studies as may be undertaken and will review the reports of the Personal - examina- investigations made . In the consideration of such studies as may tions of projects .

be referred to the board by the Chief of Engineers, the board shall, when it considers it necessary and with the sanction of the Chief of Engineers, make, as a board or through its members, personal exam- sal aries of civilian inations of localities under investigation : Provided further, That the members .

salary of the civilian members shall be paid by their respective States, but the traveling and other necessary expenses connected with their duties on the board shall be paid in accordance with the law and r egulation s governin g the pay ment of su ch expense s to civilian employees of the Engineer Department . SEC. 3 . That the paragraph in section 1 of the River and Harbor Act approved July 25, 1912, authorizing the removal of temporary obstructions from tributaries of waterways under Federal improve- ment (37 Stat . L . 222), is hereby amended to read as follows : Removal of, prelim- a The Chief of Engineers, in his discretion, and after approval by inary to examfna- t1ons, permitted . the Secretary of War, is hereby authorized to make preliminary examinations and minor surveys preliminary thereto and to remove snags and other temporary or readily removable obstructions from tributaries of waterways already under Federal improvement or in general use by navigation, to be paid from funds allotted to the adjoining waterways : Provided, That the cost of such work in any single year shall not exceed $1,000 per tributary ." SEC. 4 . Bass River, Massachusetts : That the provisions of river and harbor Acts heretofore passed providing for the prosecution of work upon the harbor at the mouth of Bass River, Massachusetts, are h ereby repea led . Waterway connecting Gravesend Bay with Jamaica Bay, New York : That the provision in the River and Harbor Act approved January 22, 1927, adopting the project for the improvement of a waterway connecting Gravesend Bay with Jamaica Bay in the State of New Yo rk, in ac cordance w ith the r eport subm itted in H ouse Document Numbered 111, Sixty-eighth Congress, first session, is hereby repealed . SEc . 5 . That the dock owned by H . H . Davis in Friday Harbor Cove, San Juan County, Washington, and the dock owned by the Friday Harbor Packing Company in the same cove be, and the same are hereby, legalized to the same extent and with like effect as to all existing or future laws and regulations of the United States as if th e permits required by the existing laws of the United States in such cases made and provided had been regularly obtained prior to the erection of said docks : Provided, That any changes in said docks which the Secretary of War may deem necessary and may order in the interest of navigation shall be promptly made by the owner thereof, it being understood that the Government assumes no expense, either of construction or of maintenance, of any kind whatsoever in connection with these docks or either of them . The right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved . That the consent of Congress is granted to the State of Orego n, acting through its highway department, and to the Stock Slough Drainage District, organized under the laws of the State of Oregon, to construct, maintain, and operate, at a point suitable to the in- terests of navigation, a dam and dike for preventing the flow of t idal wate rs into St ock Sloug h, Coos Ba y, Coos Co unty, Ore gon . Work shall not be commenced on such dam and dike until the plans therefor, including plans for all accessory works, are submitted to and approved by the Chief of Engineers and the Secretary of War, who may impose such conditions and stipulations as they deem necessary to protect the interests of the United States . The au- Oth er expenses . Temporary obstruc- t ion on tributary w aters . Vol . 37, p. 2 22, amended . Proviso . Cost limitation. Bass River . Mass . Improvement

at m outh of, repealed . Waterway, Gra ves - end and Jamaica Bays, N. Y. P rovisi on fo r impr ov- ing, repealed . Vol.44,p.1011. Friday Harbor Cove, Wash . Docks of H. H. D avis, etc ., in, legalized . Provisos. Necessary ch ang es, etc. Amendm ent . Dams and dikes . Oregon, etc., author- i zed to const ruct, etc ., at places designated, to prevent tidal overflow . St ock S lough, Coos Bay, Approv al of plans before com men cem ent .