Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/999

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SEVENTY-FIRST C ONGRESS. SESS. II. CH. 848. 1930. fare, health officer, assistant health officer, chief of the bureau of preventable diseases, chief engineer of the fire department, super- intendent of police, electrical inspector in charge of the fire-alarm system, one fire-alarm operator, and two fire-alarm repair men, the superintendent of machinery, and the fire marshal, under appropria- tes onneetions permit- tions contained in this Act . The commissioners may connect any or all of these telephones either to the system of the Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company or the telephone system maintained by the District of Columbia, or to both of such systems . Telephones may also be maintained in the residences of the general superin- ten dent of pena l in stit utio ns, and such oth er o ffic ials of the work - Postage .

hous e and reform atory as ma y be a pprove d by the co mmissi oners . For postage for strictly official mail matter, $23,000 . Car fares, etc .

The commissioners are authorized, in their discretion, to furnish necessary transportation in connection with strictly official business Provisos. of the Di strict of Colu mbia by the p urchase of st reet-car and b us Limitation . fares from appropriations contained in this Act : Provided, That Firemen and police the expen ditures herein authorized s hall be so ap portioned as n ot excepted .

to exceed a total of $8,300 : Provided further, That the provisions of this paragraph shall not include the appropriations herein made for Judicial expenses . the fire and police departments . For judicial expenses, including procurement of chains of title, witness fees, and expert services in District cases before the Supreme Cont r s ontracts for r eport- Court of said District, $3,500 : Provided, That the Commissioners ing permitted . of the District of Columbia are authorized, when in their judgment such action be deemed in the public interest, to contract for steno- graphic reporting services under available appropriations contained General ad ve rti si ng . in this Act. For general advertising, authorized and required by law, and for tax a nd school noti ces and notic es of changes in regulation s, Taxes in arrears .

$9,5 00 . Vol. 30, p. 200. For advertising notice of taxes in arrears July 1, 1930, as required to be given by the Act of February 28, 1898, as amended, to be reimbursed by a charge of 50 cents for each lot or piece of property advertised, $10,000 . EMPLOYME NT SERVICE Employment service, expenses . For personal ser vices and mis cellaneous and contingent e xpenses required for maintaining a public employment service for the Dist rict of Colu mbia , $1 0,00 0. HISTO RICAL P LACES For purchase and erection of suitable tablets to mark historical places in the District of Columbia, $500 . Emergency fund . EMERGENCY FUND Expenses under, re- stricted . To be expended only in case of emergency, such as riot, pestilence, public insanitary conditions, calamity by flood or fire or storm, and of like character, and in all other cases of emergency not otherwise Proviso .

sufficiently provided for, in the discretion of the commissioners, Voucherforexpenses . $4,000 : Provided, That the certificate of the commissioners shall be sufficient voucher for the expenditure not to exceed $1,000 for such investigations as they may deem necessary . Refund of erroneous collections .

REFU ND OF ERRONE OUS COT .T .FCTIONS Payment authorized . To enable the commissioners, in any case where special assessments, school tuition charges, payments for lost library books, rents, fees, or collections of any character have been erroneously covered into Historical tablets . i I