Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1016

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2624 UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION. June 28, 1929. ARTICLE 55. ARTICLE 55 Transmission des envois expres. Transmi.'lsWn oj special-delivery articles Transmission of .ipe. I.-Les envois e~r~s ordinaires eIal-dellvery mail. • • A.~•al Treatment of. sont reurus en une asse Sp~l e, munie d'unt etiquette portant en gros carfLCteres la mention "Ex- pres" et inseres, par les bureaux d'oohange, dans l'enveloppe con- tenant 10. feuille d'avis qui ac- compagne 10. dep&he. Toutejois, si cette enve/,oppe doit etre:fi:de au col du sac-tIes envois recommandes (i.e de 'l'ar- ticle yrkedent) , la lia8se des en- fJois expres est placee daM le sac extwur. La presence, dans 10. dep&he, des correspondances de l'espooe est aWrs annoncee parunt fiche plack dans l'enveloriPe con- tenant 10. feuille d'avis. La meme procedure e8t 8'Uivie lorsq;t.Uf les envois expres n'ont pu etre 30ints a la jeuille d' avis en raison de leur nombre, de leur jorme O'U de leurs dimensions. dell~~clelspecial. 2 . -Les envois expres recom- . mandes sont classes, a leur ordre, panni les autres envois recom- mandes et 10. mention "Expris" est portee dans 10. colonne "Ob- servations" des feuilles d'avis O'U des listes specwJ,u, en regard. de l'inscription de chacun d'eux. ARTICLE 56. PreJ)arlnadlspatchel. Confection des dep&hes. Bundles of cluses.. I. -En r~le gene-ale, les objets sont classes et eiiliasses par natUl'e de correspondances, les lettres et les cartes postales etant comprises dans 10. m~me liasse et les jour- naux at ecrits periodiques devant faire l'obiet de liasses distinctes de celles des imprimes ordinaires. Les lettres, cartes postales et imprimes de petites dimensions dOlvent ~tre disposes dans Ie sens del'adresse. Les objets affranchis sont separes de ceux qui ne Ie sont pas ou Ie sont insuffisamment et les etiquettes de liasses d'objets non affranchis ou insuffisamment affranchis sont frappees du tim- bre T. Les lettres portant des traces d'ouverture, de deterioration ou 1. Ordinary special-delivery ar- ticles are tied together in a special bundle having a label bearing the note "Expres" (special delivery) in large characters and inserted by the exchange offices in the envelope containing the letter- bill which accompanies the dispatch. However, if this envelope must be affixed to the neck of the sack of registered articles (Sec. 2 of the prec~ Article), the bundle of special-<Ielivel7. articles is placed in the outside sack. The presence in the dispatch of arti- cles of this kind is then announced by a slip placed inside the enve- lope containing the letter bill. The same procedure is followed when the special-delivery articles have not been able to be attached to the letter bill because of their number, fonn or dimensions. 2. Registered special-delivery articles are arranged in order among the other registered arti- cles and the note " Expres " (s~ial delive7,) is placed in the "Observations' column of the letter bill or special lists, opposite the entry of each of them. ARTICLE 56 Making up oj dispatchu 1. . As a general rule, the arti- cles are sorted and tied in bundles according to the natllre of the correspondence, letters and post cards being included in the same bundle, and newspapers and peri- odicals being made up into pack- ets apart from those containing ordinary prints. Letters, post- cards, and prints of small diinen- sions shall be arranged in the direction of the address. Prepaid articles are separated from those which are unprepaid or shortpaid, and the labels of bundles of articles which are unprepaid or shortpaid are marked With the T-stamp. Letters bearing traces of open- ing, deterioration or damage shall