Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1018

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2626 UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION. June 28,1929. Las sacs doivent indiquer d'une faQOn lisible, en caracteru latins, Ie bureau ou Ie pays d'origine, et porter la mentwn "Postes" 00 loute autre analo(J'lU les sigrudant comme dep2ches pog~altI6. Unimportant, etc., 3. -Bauf arrangement \~ontra.ire, matter. les dep~ches peu volumineuses ou negatives sont simplement 00- vefoppees de papier fort de ma- niere A eviter toute deterioration du contenu, puis ficeIees et ca- chetee8 ou plombees. Sealing. . En cas de plombage, ees d~ 1!2ches doivent ~tre conditionnks de telk fa'ion que la ficelle ne puisse pas ~tre detachee. Lors- gu'eUes -ne contiennent que des correspondances ordinaires, elks peuvent ~tre jermees au moyen de cachets gommes portant l'mdica- tion imprimee du b'Ureau 00 de 1'()jJic6 ezpediteur. Les 8'U8crip- tions des paquets doivent cor- respondre, en ce fJlLi concerne les indications imprimks et les cou- leurs a'/.l.X prescriptions premus au § !8 precedent poor les eti- qu,ettes des 8aC8 de correspon- dances. Volume exceeds one 4.- Lorsque Ie nombre ou Ie sack. volume des envois exige l'emploi de plus d'un sac, des sacs distincts doivent, autant que possible, ~ utilises: a) pour lee lettres et cartes postales, b) pour les autres obiets; le cas echiant, de8 8ac8 distinct8 doivent encore etre utilises pour les petits paquets; les etif]lLettes de ce8 demurs sacs porteront la mention "Petits paqu,ets". Le paquet ou sac des envois recommandee, reuni avec la jeuille d' avis de la jaiSon prlmu a l'article AtIte, p. 2623. 54, § S, est place dans un des sacs de lettres ou dans un sac spkial; le sac exterieur Mit IJorter, en tout cas une etif]lLette de coide'Ur rO'Ufle clair. Lorsq:u'il y a pl'US d'un Bac d'envois recommaiides, les sacs 8Upplementaires ne con- tenant qu,e des objets recom- mandes awes l['-U des lettres et des cartes postiiles peuvent &re expedus a decouvert munis de l'etiquette rO'Ufle clair. Le sac ou paquet renfennant 180 feuille d'avis est designe, en outre, The sacks shall indicate legibly, in Latin characters, the office or coun.try of origin, and shall bear the note "Postes" (posts) or any other similar note Characterizing them as postal dispatches. 3. Barring contrary agreement, unimportant or negative dis- patches are simply wrapped in strong paper in such a manner as to avoid all harm to the contents, then tied and sealed with wax or lead. In the event of lead sealing, these dispatches must be pre- pared in such a way that the string can not be detached. When they contain nothing but ordi- nary correspondence, they may sealed by means of gummed seals bearing the printed indication of the dispatching office or Admin- istra.tion. The addresses of the packets must correspond, insofar as concerns the pnnted indica- tions and the colors, GO the P!O- visions of Section 2 preceding governing the labels of sacks of mail. 4. When the number or volume of the mails requires the employ- ment of more than one sack, sepa- rate sacks must be used as far as possible: (a) for letters and post cards; (b) for other articles; if occa- sion arises, separate sacks must also be used for small packets; the labels of these latter sacks shall bear the note "Petits pa- quets" (small packets). The packet or sack of ~tered articles, tied together WIth the letter bill in the manner prescribed by Article 54, Section 2, is placed in one of the letter sacks or in a special sack; the outside sack must bear, in any case, a light red label. When there is more than one sack of registered articles, the additional sacks containing noth- ing but registered articles other than letters and post cards may be sent uninclosed, bearing the light red label. The sack or packet inclosing the letter bill is also designated