Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1115

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UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION. June is, 1929. Pour lu Ooloniu porfugaiBu tU l'Asie et lk l'Odanu: Luciano Botelho da COSTA MARTINS POTlr la Roumanie: General MIHAIL I. MANEA Pour la Rhn.tblif1m lk Saint- Man,~: M. A . JAMIESON Giovanni SOVRANI Pour la Re'f}'Ublique du Salvador: Antonio llEYES-GUERRA Pour Ie Territoire de la Sarre: P. COURTILET A.AREND Pour le Royaume des Serbes, Oroates et Slovenes: G. DIOURITCH Pour Ie Siam: Pour la SUil8~: P. DUBOIS C.ROCHES L. ROULET Pour la Tchko8lmJaquie: Dr Otokar RUZICKA Josef zABRODSK't Pour la Tunisie: Jacques DUMAINE DUPONT Pour la Tu,.quie: Ali RAANA Yusuf ARIFI Pour l' Union des Republig:uu Sovietistes Socialistes: Dr. Eugene HIRSCHFELD M. KHODEEFF E. SYREVITCH Pour l' Uruguay: F. A . COSTANZO Phya PRAKIT KOLASASTRA Pour l'Etat lk la Oite du Vatican: Luang BAHIDDHA NUKARA W. A. S. HEWINS Pour la Suede: Anders ORNE Gunnar LAGER Fr. SANDBERG Pour les Etats-Unis de Venezuela: Luis Alejando AGUILAR E. ARROYO LAMEDA 2728 Pl.IlI....___ OootIDDecL Having examined and considered the provisions of the foregoing pr::~y p:'~ Air-Mail Provisions, signed at London on the 28th day of June, 1929, General. relative to the Universal Postal Convention of London, signed the same day, the same are by me, by virtue of the powers vested by law in the Postmaster General, hereby ratified and approved, by and with the advice and consent of the President of the United States. In witness whereof, I have caused the seal of the Post Office Department of the United States to be hereto affixed this eighth day of March, 1930. [SEAL] WALTER F. BROWN Postmaster General. I hereby approve the above-mentioned Air-Mail Provisions, and ~tal in testimon:y thereof have caused the seal of the United States to be hereto affixed. [SEAL] HERBERT HOOVER By the President: J P COTTON Acti1l{l Secretary oj State. W.ASBINGTON, March 18, 1980.