Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1134

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2742 PARCEL POST AGREEMENT-SIERRA LEONE. February 27. 1930. April 16. 1930. Duration cf agree- XXIII. DURATION OF AGREEMENT ment. Etfeotive date. 1. This Agreement shall take effect and operations thereunder shall begin on a date to be mutually settled between the Adminis- tratioll8 of the two countries. DuratIon. 2. It shall remain in force until one of the two contracting Admin- istrations has given notice to the other, six months in advance, of its intention to terminate it. Signatures. 3. Done in duplicate and signed at Freetown the 27 day of Feb- Approved by President. ruary 1930 and at Washington the 16th day of April, 1930. [SEAL] N. S . DAVIS, Postmaster' General of the Sierra Leone Golony a:nd Proteotorate. WALTER F. BROWN, Postmaster General of the United States of America. the The foregoing Parcel Post Agreement between the United States of America and the Sierra Leone Colony and Protectorate has been negotiated and concluded with my advice and consent, and is hereby approved and ratified. In testimony whereof, I have caused the seal of the United States to be hereunto aftifed. [SEAL] HERBERT HOOVER. By the President: J P COTTON Aoting Searetarry of State. WASHINGTON, April ~3, 1930.