Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1195

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PARCEL POST CONVENTION-DUTCH GUIANA, ~~:u!. ~:.3~930, special charges borne by an insured parcel, if claimed. The insur- 2803 ance fees are not in any case returned. N 'b'l' "1'1be d ' df' d I h'h It official dO~llmentf. 8. 0 reSpOnSI I lty WI . a mltte or Insure parce s W IC can destroyed, no reSI,Qll- not be accounted for in consequeLce of the destruction of official sibilityadmitted. documents through causes beyond control. R .. 9I h d add f' d I eservatJOn III case , ncasetesener, ressee, or owner 0 an Insure parce, or ot false statements, his representative, shall, at any time knowingly allege the COl1tents etc, to be above their real value, or whenever any false, fictitious, or fraudulent evidence is knowingly and wilfully introducerl, the ad- ministration responsible for the indemnity reserves the right with- out any refund of fee or postas:e to decline to pay indemnity or to pay such indemnity as may in Its discretion be considered equitable in the light of the evidence procured. The enforcement of this rule shall not prejudice any legal proceedings to which such fraudulent eVIdence may have rendered the claimant liable. 10 Wh ' dt'Ihbee1t'fld d d th Time limitation on . enanInsure arICe as n os ~ rl e ,or amage, ' e payin!: Indemnity. Administration of origin shall {lay indemmty to the rightful claim- ant as soon as possible and at the latest within a period of one year counting with the day following that on which the application is made, which payment shall be made on account of the .A dministra- tion of destination, if that Administration is responsible for the loss, rifling, or damage and has been duly notified. 11, However, the Administration of origin may, in the cases indi- Deferred payment, cated in the foregoing paragraph, exceptionally defer pavment of indemnity for a lon~er period than that stipulated if, at the ex:pira- tion of that period, It has not been able to determine the dispOSItion made of the article in question or the responsibility incurred. 12, Except in cases where payment is exceptionally deferred as Country. of origin 'dd'hf' hth f" , may J,a~', Jf country of prOVI e In t e oregomg paragrap, e country 0 ongin IS destination delays nine aut.horized to pay indemnity on behalf of the country of destination months. if that country has, after being duly informed of the application for indemnity, let nine months pass without settling the matter. 13. The obligation of :paying the indemnity shall rest with the Country rcspoll,ihle. country to which the maIling office is subordinate. That country can make a claim on the country responsible, that is to say, against the Administration on the territory or in the service of which the loss, riflinO', or damage took place. 14 The country responsible for the loss riflinO' or dam~ge and Reparment to coun· . " 'b' try paymg. on whose account payment IS made IS bound to repay to the country . making payment on its behalf, without delay and within not more thRn nme months after receiving notice of payment, the amount of indemnity paid, 15, Reimbursements f')r indemnity from one country to the other gO~elmbursement in shall be made on the gold basis, . 16, Repayments are to be made free of cost to the creditor country Means to be used. by means of either a money order or a draft, in money valid in the creditor country, or by such other means as may be mutually agreed upon by correspondence. 17 Ut'lth t.' d 'b'l't./' ' d 1 1lespor.sihility of re- , n! e con I ary IS pr?ve .{ re~ponsl 1 ~ Y ~or an msure parce caiving country unable rests WIth the country whIch navmg receIved the parcel WIthout t!J show proper disposi, making any observatIon and being furnished all necesmry par- tlOn. ticulars for inquiry is unable to show its proper disposition. 18. Responsibility for loss, rifling, or damage of an insured parcel sp~:~b~!c~~n1~:~j~t discovered by the receiving office of exchange at the time of opening c()\'~red by receiving the receptacles and duly notified to the despatching office of exchange office, by bulletin of verification, shall fall upon the administration to which the desratching office of exchange is subordinate unless it be proved that the loss, rifling, or damage occurred in the service of the nceiving administration,