Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1209

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FRIENDSHIP, ETC., TREATY-EL SALVADOR. FEBRUARY 22, 1926. 2817 Treaty between the United State8 of America and El Salvador offriend- 8hip, commerce, and consular right8. Signed at San Salvador, February 22, 1926; ratification advised by the Senate, May 28, 1926; ratified by the Pre8ident, July 1, 1926; ratified by El Salvador, September 5, 1930; ratification8 exchanged at San Salvador, September 5, 1930; proclaimed: September 8, 1930. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. February 22, ]926. WHEREAS a Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Consular Rights co,!::c!~Of::r~~: between the United States of America and the Republic of Salvador ~1~/ightB'with Salva- was concluded and signed by their respective Plenipo\ientiaries at Preamble. San Salvador on the twenty-second day of February, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-six, the original of which Treaty, being in the English and Spanish languages, is word for word as follows: Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Consular Rights between the Unitec:i States of America and Salvador PREAMBLE The United States of America and the Republic of Salvador, desirous of strengthening the bond of peace which happily pre- vails between theYcJ, ..l~ arrange- ments designed to promote friendly intercourse between their respective territories thro~h pro- viEsions responsive to the spuitual cultural, economic and commercid aspirations of the peoples thereof, have resolved to conclude a Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Consular Rights and for that pur- pose. have. appointed as their Plerupotentlanes : The President of the United States of America, Mr. Cornelius Van H. Engert, Charge d'Maires ad interim of the United States of America in Salvador, and Tratado de Amistad, Comercio y Prer- rogativas Consulares entre lOB Ests. - dos Unidos de America y EI Salvador PREAMBULO Los Estados Unidos de Ameri- ca y 180 Republica de EI Salvador deseosos de estrechar los vinculos de paz que felizmente existen entre ambos pl\ises, por medio de arreglos destinados a promover un amistoso intercambio entre sus respectivos territorios y cuyas previsiones respondan a las asPl- raciones espirituales, de cultura, econ6micas y comercial~s de sus pueblos, han resuelto concluir un Tratado de Amistad,· Comercio y Prerrogativas Consula.res, y con tal objeto han nombrado sus Plenipotenciarios, a saber: EI Presidente de los Estados Unidos de America, al Sr. Cornelius Van H. Engert, Encargado de Negocios ad-in- terim de los Estados Unidos de America en EI Salvador, y Contracting Powers. Purposes declBnld. Plenipotentiarielr...