Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1227

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FRIENDSHIP, ETC., TREATY-EL SALVADOR. FEBRUARY 22, 1926. 2835 Whenever a consular officer accepts the office of administra- tor of the estate of a deceased countryman, he subjects himself as such to the jurisdiction of the tribunal or other agency making the appointment for all necessary purposes to the same extent as a national of the country where he was appointed. ARTICLE XXIII A consular officer of either High Contracting Party may in behalf of his non-resident countrymen receipt for their distributive shares derived from estates in process of probate or accruing under the provisions of so-called Workmen's Compensation Laws or other like statutes provided he remit any funds so received through the appropriate agencies of his Government to the proper distributees, and provided further that he furnish to the authority or agency making distribution through him reasonable evidence of such remission. ARTICLE XXIV A consular offict~· of either High Contracting Party shall have ilie right to inspect within the ports of the other High Contracting Party within his consular district, the private vessels of any flag destined or about to clear for ports of the country appointing him in order- to observe the sanitary con- ditions and measures taken on board such vessels, and to be enabled thereby to execute intelli- gently bills of health and other documents required by the laws of his country, and to inform his Government concerning the ex- tent to which its sanitary regula- tions have been observed at ports of departure by vessels destined to its ports, with a view to facili- tating entry of such vessels there- in. En caso de que un funcionario oJ~:~ad~in'fs~atfo~ consular a.ceptare el cargo de administrador de la herencia de un connacional fallecido, quedara sUi'eto como tal a la jurisdicci6n de tribunal 0 ministerio que 10 nombrare para todos los fines necesarios y en la misma medida que un nacional del pais en el cual ests. acreditado. ARTICULO XXIII Uf.. ul d Handling funds for n unClonano cons ar e nonresident country. cualquiera de las Altas Partes men. Contratantes puede en interes de sus connacionales no residentes extender por elIos recibo por sus participaciones distributivas pro- cedentes de herencias bajo juicio testamentario 0 que les sean deferidas conforme a las provi- siones de las llamadas Leyes de Compensaci6n de Obreros u otros estatutos parecidos, con tal que los fondos as! recibidos los remita por medio de los ministerios co- rrespondientes de su Gobierno a los propios participes, y con tal que adems.s, snministre a la autoridad 0 al ministerio que por medio de el realiza Ia distribuci6n Ia prueba aceptable de la remisi6n. ARTICULO XXIV Un funcionario consular de Inspectiol!, etc., of vessels clearmg, etc., for cualquiera de las Altas Partes home ports of consul. Contratantes tendrs. derecho a inspeccionar en los puertos de la otra Alta Parte Contratante, den- tro de su j urisdicci6n consular, los barcos particulares de cual- quiera bandera cuyo destino es 0 que estRn para salir para puertos del pais que Ie hubiere nombrado, con objeto de observar las condi- ciones de sanidad y medidas to- madas a bordo de dichos barcos, y estar as! capacitado para'extender con conocimiento de causa certifi- cados de sanidad y otros docu- mentos requeridos por las leyes de su pais, asi como para informar a su Gobierno con respecto a la medida en que hubieren sido ob- servados sus reglamentos sani- tarios en los puertos de partida, por buques destinados a sus puertos, a fin de facilitar la entrada a elIos de dichos barcos.