Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1260

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2868 TREATY-NAVAL ARMAMENT LIMITATION. APRIL 22,1930. r:ules for repla('e- llit'nt. Yessels afTected. Po~I, p. :l'i7U. Y01. 43, p. IBSO. ARTICLE 9. Les regles de remplacement enoncees a l'Annexe I de la pre- s~nte Partie II s~nt applicables aux batiments de guerre dont Ie deplacement typo ne depasse pas 10.000 tonnes (10.160 tonnes metriques). II est fait exception pour les porte-a(ronefs, leur rem- placen.ent etant regi par Ie Traite de 'Vvashington. ARTICLE 10. Data to be cnlli- Dans Ie mois qui suivra respec- municated to the other • Id d' al High Contracting tlvement a ate e Inlse sur c e Powers. et la date d'achevement, les Hautes Parties Contractantes se communiq ueront mutuellement tous les renseignements indiques Ante, p. 2:;06. ci-dessous au sujet de tous bati- ments de guerre mis sur cale ou acheves par elles ou pour elles apres l'entree en vigueur du pre- sent Traite, aI'exception des ba.ti- ments de ligne, des porte-aeronefs et des batiments qUl sont exempts de limitation conformement a l'Article 8: Rules for disposal of vessels of war. Ante, p. 2862. Po&t, p. 2871. Scope. Ante, p. 2864. (a) Ia date de Ia mise sur cale avec les indications suivantes: classification du batiment; deplacement type en tonnes et en tonnes metriques i dimensions princlpales, a sa- voir: longueur a la ligne de Hot- taison, largeur maxima a ou sous la ligne de Hottaison; tirant d'eau moyen correspon- dant au deplacement type; calibre du plus gros canon. (b) la date d'achevement ainsi que les indications qui precedent, relatives au batiment a cette date. Les rensoignements a fournir pour 163 batiments de li~e et les

Qorte-aeronefs sent regls par Ie

Traite de Washington. ARTICLE 11. Sous reserve des dispositions de I'Article 2 du present Traite, les regles de declassement con- tenues dans I'Annexe II a la pre- sante Partie II s'appliqueront a tollS Ies batimeilts de guerre 8. declasser en vertu dudit Traite, ainsi qu'aux porte-aeronefs definis a I'Article 3. ARTICLE 9. The rules as to replacement con tained in Annex I to this Part II are applicable to vessels of war not exceeding ]0,000 tons (10,160 metric tons) standard displace- ment, with the exception of air- craft carriers, whose replacement is governed by the provisions of the Washington Trealy. ARTICLE 10. Within one month after the date of laying down and the date of completion respectively of each vessel of war, other than capital ships, aircraft carriers and the vessels exempt from limitation under Article 8, laid down or completed by or for them after the coming into force of the pres- ent Treaty, the High Contracting Parties shall communicate to each of the other High Contracting Parties the information detailed below: (a) the date of laying the keel and the following particulars: classification of the vessel; standard displacement in tons and metric tons; principal dimensions, namely: length at water-line, extreme beam at or below water-line; mean draft at standard dis- placement; calibre of the largest gun. (b) the date of completion together with the foregoing par- ticulars relating to the vessel at that date. The information to be given in the ease of capital ships and air- craft carriers is governed by the Washington Treaty. ARTICLE 11. Subject to the provisions of Article 2 of the present Treat.Yl the rules for disposal con tainea in Annex II to this Part II shall be applied to all vessels of war to be disposed of under the said Treaty, and to aireraft carriers as defined in Article 3.