Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1275

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TREATY-NAVAL ARMAMENT LIMITATIOX. APRIL 22,1930. 2883 tiques de tous les proces-verbaux de dep6t des ratifications seront transmises aux Gouvernements de toutes les Hautes Parties Con- tractantes. 2. Des que les ratifications des ];:tats-Unis d'AmeriQue, de Sa

Majeste Ie Roi de Grande-

Bretagne, d'Irlande et des Terri- toires Britanniques au dela des Mers, Empereur des Indes, a. l'egard de chacun des Membres de 180 Communaute de Nations Britannique enumeres au pream- bule du present Traite et celle de Sa Majeste l'Empereur du Japo::l auront eM deposees, Ie Traite enkera en vigueur a. l'egard de ces Hautes Parties Contrectantes. 3. A la date d'entree en vi- gueur visee dans l'alinea prece- dent, les Parties I, II, IV et V du present Traite entreront en vi- gueur a. l'egard de 180 Republique Fran~aise e~ du Royaume d'Italie si leurs ratifications ont ete depo- sees a cette date; au cas con- traire, elles entreront en vigueur a. l'egard de chacune de cas deux Puissances lors du dep6t de sa ratification. 4. Les droits et obligations re- sultant de la Partie III du p!,esent Traite sont limites aux Hautes Parties Contractantes visees au paragraphe 2 du present Article. Leg Hautes Parties Contrac- tantes determineront d'un com- mun accord 10. date a. partir de laquelle, et les modalites selon lesquelles les obligations que les Hautes Parties Contractantes visees au paragraphs 2 du pre- sent Article ont assumees en vertu de ladite Partie lIlies lieront vis-a.- vis de 10. France et de I'Italie; Ie susdit accord determinera en m~me temps les obligations correspondantes de 180 France et de l'ItaIie vis-a .- vis des autres Hautes Parties Con- tractantes. ARTICLE 25. Apres Ie dep6t des ratifications de toutes les Hautes Parties Contractantes, Ie Gouvernement de So. Majeste dans Ie Royaume- Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Ir- ratifications will be transmitted to the Governments of all the High Contracting Parties. 2. As soon as the ratifications Etfective date. of the United States of America, of His Majesty the King of Great Britain, Ireland and the British Dominions beyond the Seas, Em- peror of India, in respect of each and all of the :Members of the British Commonwealth of Nations as enumerated in the prctmlble of the present Treaty, and of His Majesty the Emperor of Japan have been deposited, the Treaty shall come into force in respect of the saidHigh Contracting Parties. 3. On the date of the coming France aDd Italy. into force referred to in the pre- Rights, etc. , of, here. cedi¥ paragraph Parts I II IV in, .o n deposit of rati!!- , "c ation, if Treaty 1D and of the present Treaty will force. come into force in respect of the French Republic and the King- dom of Italy if their ratifications have been deposited at that date; otherwise these Parts will come into force in respect of each of those Powers on the deposit of its ratification. 4. The rights and obligations Scope of Treaty. resultin~ from Part III of the Ante, p. 2876. P!eSent Tr'3aty are limited to the High Contracting Parties men- tioned in par~graph 2 of this Arti~le. :rhe High Contracting Wir~l~=: a~)TarmstroBot (talk) 17:53, 18 January 2013 (UTC) PartIes will agree as to the date on which, and the conditions under which, the obligations as- sumed under the said Part III by the High Contracting Parties mentioned in paragraph 2 of this Article will bind them in relation to France and Italy; such agre~ment will determine OtligationsofFrance at the same time the correspond- an!1 Italy toward o~her • •• High ContractIng mg obligatIOns of Franc.e and Powers. Italy in relation to the other High Contracting Parties. ARTICLE 25. After the deposit of the ratifi- Provisions for pro- t· fII·hH'hC t merchant ves- Cft. IOnS 0 ate 19 on ract- se)s to be co=uni· ing Parties, His Majesty's Gov- cated to nonsi8Datory ernment in the United Kingdom Powers. of Great Britain and Northern