Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1292

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2900 POSTAL AGREEMENT-HUNGARY. December 15, 1()30. January 15, 1931. Payment to claimant 6 When COD tl' Ie has by Administration re- ' a... ar c sponsible for loss, etc. been lost, rifled, or damaged, or has been delivered and the full charges have not been remitted, the Administration of origin shall pay mdemnity to the rightful claimant as soon as possible and at the latest within fl~ period of nine months counting with the day following that on which the application is made, which pay- ment shall be made on account of the Administration of destination, if that Administration is respon- sible for the loss or failure to remit and has been duly notified. Action, If parcel re- 7. When a C. O. D. parcel for coveredl etc., on which •h' h 'd. indemmty was paid. whic mdemnity as been p81 18 recovered, the postmaster at the delivering office will deliver the parcel and collect the charges, hold such amount and request instructions from the Adininis- tration to which his office is subordinate. If the addressee, however, refuses to accept a recovered parcel and pay the charges, the postmaster will hold it and likeWise seek instructions as to its disposition. In the latter case the Administration responsibl~ for the indemnity shall determine the disposition to be made of the :parcel involved. visTarmstroBot (talk) 17:56, 18 January 2013 (UTC)indemnityprOo 8. Other provisIOns concerning the payments of indemnity for C. O. D. parcels will be the same as govern the payment of in- demnity for insured parcels with- out C. O. D. charges, as set forth in Sections 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,13,14,15,16,18and19of Article XII of the Convention of July 3-August 16, 1928. TransIt parcels not included. 9. The provisions of this Agree- mentdo notcover transitC. O. D. parcels. In~~=:~n ~~h: 10. By the fact of the J?ayment rogated to rights of of indemnity the Administration sender. ki th' t' b ma ng e paymen IS SU ro- gated to the rigths of the sender for any eventual recourse against the addressee or a third party. 6. Valamely utanveteles cso- mag elveszese, kifosztasa vagy megseruIese eseten, va~ ha va- lamely csomagot kezhesltettek, de a teljes utanveteli osszeget nem utaltak at, a felvevb igazgatas az igenyjogosult kerelmezbnek, mi- helyt csak lehetseges, de legke- slSbb a felsz6lalast kovetb napMI sztimitott 9 h6napon beliil koteles 8. karteritest kifizetni; 8. fizetes 8. rendeltetesi igazgatas terhere tor- tenik, ha ez az igazgatas o.z utan- veteli osszeg elveszeseert vagy helytelen atutalasaert felelbs es bt szabalyszeruen ertesitettek. 7. Hogyha az utanveteles cso- mag, amelyert karteritest fizet- tek ujb61 ellSkeriil, a rendeltetesi postahivatal koteles a csomagot kezbesiteni, az utanveteli osszeget beszedni, ezt az osszeget megoriz- ni es felettes igazgatasanak uta- sitasat kerni. Ha azonban 8. cirnzett vonakodik az ujb61 ellS- keriilt csomagot atvenni es az utanveteli osszeget kifizetni, a rendeltetesi hivatal koteles a C80- magot megc5rizni cs a tovabbi eljarasra vonatkozoan hasonl6ke- pen utasitast kerni. Az ut6bbi esetben a karert felelos igazgatas fogja ac.somagra vonatkoz6tovab- bi intezkedeseket megtenni. 8. Az utanveteles csomagokert jar6 karteritesi osszeg kifizetescre vonatkoz6 tobbi hatarozatok u- gyanazok, mint az erteknyil- vanitassal ellatott, nem utan- veteles csomagokert jar6 karteri- tesek kifizetesere nezve az 1928. evi julius h6 3-augusztus h6 16-ik napjan al8.i .rt szerz(Sdes XII. cik- kanek, 2., 4., 5., 8., 9., 10., 11., 12., 13., 14., 15., 16., 18. es 19. szakaszai meg8.llapitjak. 9. Ennek az egyezmenynek ren- delkezesei az atsz8.llitott utanve- teles csomagokra nem nycrnek a.lkalroazast. 10. A karMrites kifizetese al- tal a feleMs igazgatas minden, 8 cirnzett vagy egy harmadik sze- mely ellen tamaszthat6 igeny tekinteteben a felad6 jogaiba Iep.