Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1334

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2942 CO~-ryENTION-PAN AMERICAN. I 'EBRUARY 20, 1929. ficos, debiendo publicaren el peri6- dico oficial del Gobierno, 0 en otra forma peri6dica, las roarcas solicitades y concedidas y las deci- sionts adrolnistrativas recaidas en esta materia. Articulo 34. Con.ention subject La presente Convenci6n. sera to periodic revisions. susceptible de revlsiones peri6- dicas con objeto de introducir en ella 19.5 mejoras que la experiencia indique, aprovechandose de la Conferences provided oportunidad de la celebraci6n de for. las conferencias internacionales americanas, recomendandose que cada pais envie en su delegaci6n expertos en materias Ir..arcarias pP_; a . que puedan realizar un tr.tbajo efe~tivo. Preparation of busi- ness. La administraci6n del Estado donde deba celebrarse la Con- ferencia preparara sus trabajos con la ayuda de la Uni6n Pan- americana y de la Oficina Inter- americana de Marca!,l. Attendance of Dirac- El director de la Oficina Inter- tor of Inter-American· d.( .. 1 Trade Mark Bureau. amencana pO rtl. aSlstIr a as sesiontls de la conferencia y to- mara parte en las discueiones con voz, pero sir~ voto. RatIfications. Articulo 35. Las estipulaciones contenidas en esta Convencion tendran fuerza de ley en aquellos Estados en que los tratados internacionales tienen ese caracter tan pronto como son ratificados por sus 6rganos constitucionales. Los Estados Contratantes en que el cumplimiento de los pactos internacionales este subordinado & la promulgaci6u de leyes con- comitantes, al aceptar en prinei- pio esta ConvenCl6n se obligan a solicitar de sus 6rganos legisla- tivos la adopci6n, en el mas breve plazo posible, de la legisla- ci6n que sea necesaria para poner- la en vigor, de acuerdo con sus prescripciones constitucionales. for opposition in the official publication of the government, or ill some other periodical, the trade marks solicited and granted as well as the administrative deci- sions made in the matter. Article 34. The present Convention shall be subject to periodic revision with the object of introducing therein such improvements as experience may indicate. taking advantage of any international conferences held by the American States, to which each C01J1ltry shall send a delegation in which it is recommended that there be in- cluded experts in the subject of trade marks, in order that ~ffec­ tive results may be achieved. The national administration of the country in which such con- ferences are held shall prepare, "With the assistance of the Pan American Union and the ItJ.ter- American Trade Mark Bureau, the work of the respective con- ference. The Director of the Inter- American Trade Mark Bureau may attend the sessions of such conferences and may take part in the discussion8, but shall have no vote. Article 35. The provisions of this Con- vention shall have the force of law in those States in which inter- national treaties possess that char- acter, as soon as they are ratified by their cOLstitutional organs. The Contracting Statesin which the fulfillment of international agreements is dependent upon the enactment of appropriate laws, on accepting in principle this ConventIOn, agree to request of their ler'slative bodies the enact- ment 0 the necessary legislation in the shortest possible period of time and in accordance with their constitutional provisions.