Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1369

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CO~TEXTIOX-PAX A~fERICAX. FEBRCARY 20, 1929. 2977 laws of the Contracting States, and which are used in manufacturing, OIOl!88l'y -Cont'd. industry, commerce and agriculture to identify or distinguish the user's trade, calling or purpose. Oul'T/.ership: as applied to trade marks means the right acquired by registration in countries where the right to a trade mark is so acquired, and the right acquired by adoption and use in countries where the right to a trade mark is so acquired. Oumer or Proprietor: means the natural or juridical person entitled to ownership as above defined. Deposit: means the filing of a trade mark in any Contracting Country other than the country of original registration. Interfering mark or Infringing mark: means a mark which so resem- bles one previously registered, deposited, or used by another person as to be likely, when applied to goods, to cause confusion or mistake or to deceive purchasers as to their commercial source or origin. Oountry of origin: means the country of original registration of the mark and not the country of the citizenship or domicile of the regis- trant or <..epositor. Injunction: means a judicial order or process, opera.ting upon the person, requiring the party to whom it is directed to do or (usually) refrain from doing some designated thing. $: Wherever this sign is used it shall be understood to mean money which is legal currency in Cuba and which has a value equivalent to that of the dollar.