Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1479

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INDEX. National Forests-Continued. PlIl:'e Gunni30n, area extended____________ 3022 Harney, area enlarged ___________ 2994,3027 Hiawatha, established_ ____ _____ _____ 3043 Marquette, established_ _____________ 3050 Medicil1c Bow, Routt, Hayden, areas modified ______________________ _ Nantahala, area modified ___________ _ Ottawa, established ________________ _ Pike, area extended ________________ _ Pisgah, area modified ________ -- __ - __ Routt, area modified _______________ _ Salmon and Lemhi, areas modified ___ _ Uinta, area enlarged _______________ _ W9 satch, boundaries changed _______ _ White Mountain, area modified _____ - National Monuments: 3003 3007 3044 3022 3008 3023 3036 3003 3003 3008 Arches, established__ _________ __ _____ 2988 Aztec Ruins, area enhugecL _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ 3040 Bryce Canyon, arca enlarged_ ________ 3042 Colonial, boundaries established_ _____ 3041 Craters of the Moon, area enlarged ___ 3029 Holy Cross, establishcd _ ____________ 2993 Petrified Forest, area enlarged_ _ __ ___ 3040 Sunset Crater, established________ __ 3023 National Motors Corporation, p))ymcnt to receiver of, for certain customs boat repai,s_____ ___ ____ __ ______ _______ 1911 National Parks: Mesa Verde, Colo., return of bill relat- iug to, requested________________ 2178 Recnrollment of, directed_________ __ 2178 Rock Mountain, area enlarged________ 3029 Yosemite, arelL extellded_____________ 3017 National Surety Company, reimbursement to _______________________________ 1919 Naturalization, Czechoslovakia, treaty ___ 2424 "Navahoe," Ship, payment to ownersoL 1742 Naval Armament Limitation, treaty with other powers agreeing to_ __________ 2858 Naval Records Corrected: Armstrong, George Campbell___ ______ 1851 Biehl, Henry P______________________ 1880 Boydell, George Joseph_______________ ISg3 Hill, William Geravis________________ 1880 Kirchhoff, Richard__________________ 1880 Warren, John C_____________________ IS~:H Navy: Commander Richard E. Byrd advanced to grade of rear admiral, retired, in recognition of Antarctic explora- tions__________________ .. ______ - _ 1633 Credits allowed in accounts of- Babcock, Lieutenant Arthur W_____ 1635 Barnes, Lieutenant Archy W _______ 1637 Cochran, Lieutenant Commander Thomss____ __ _______ __ __ _____ 1637 Guilmette, Lieutenant Henry_______ 1636 57894 0 -3 1-PT 2 --92 Navy-Continued. Mayo, Captain Chester G _________ _ Merriam, Captain John H _________ _ l\-iixon, Lieutenant Edward _________ . Ney, Lieutenant Edward F ________ _ Simonpietri, Captain William L. F __ Willett, Captain P. J _____________ _ Fluod, William P., to receive cash award for suggested improvement in naval materiaL _______________ _ Harlvw, Charles H., appointed com- modore, retired ________________ _ Newton, Leonard T., reimbursement for loss of personal funds ________ _ OppenhilI1er, William Tell, jr., ap- pointed lieutenant, retired _______ _ Ross, Norman A., appointed lieutenant (junior grade) Medical Corps, re- tired __________________________ _ Navy Pensions. See Pensions. Neaf, Mary, designated beneficiary of the late Richard Neaf, alias John Ryan_ Nebel and Son, Louis, payment to _____ _ Nelson, J. W., redemption of lost Treas- urynotc ________________________ _ Nelson, Olaf, benefits of Employees Com- PCl~"u.ti"n Act extended to________ _ Netherlands: Arbitration agreement______________ _ Arbitration treaty __________________ _ New York Marine Company. compensa- tion to, for sinking of barge _______ _ Newhart, George F., reimbursement to __ Newton, Leonard T., Nal'y, rein!burs~- ment to __________________________ _ Ney, Lieutenant Edward F., Navy, c~cdit allowed in accounts of _____________ _ Nichols, Allen, militr..ry rccord corredcd_ Nichols, Clara E., beIlC!i~s of Employees Compensation Act extended to_ _ ___ Nicholson, Doctor Cooper, disability rl:.i'll I)f, to be examined ________________ _ Nicodet, A. C., payment to____________ _ Nicoll, Sadie T., payJIwnt to___________ _ Nigro,P.M.,paymentto,forinjuriestoson_ Nix, J. W., payment to________________ _ Nomicos, C. J ., payment to, loss of per- sonal property___________________ _ Northern Pacific Railway Compa!1Y, con- veyance of ccrtain lands to ________ _ Northern Trust Company, reimbursemeilt to, for certain stamp taxes ________ _ Norway: Arbitration treaty _________________ _ Military exemption treaty with ______ _ Parcel post convention_ . _____ _____ __ _ Nugent, James W., military record cor- rected __________________________ _ Nurse Corps, Army, payment authorh:ed to Gertrude Lustig ______________ _ ... Xlll PaA:e 1635 1637 1636 1636 1637 1635 1638 1851 1634 1951 1852 2116 1961 1913 1950 2274 2769 2156 1906 1<334 1636 1852 1966 2161 1!)12 1967 1962 1963 1924 2162 2131 2278 2904 2226 2143 1885