Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1520

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liv Pensions Increased-Continued. Peacock, Martha E ________________ _ Peak, Phoebe ______________________ _ P{;arson, Louese _____ - _______ -- - ___ _ Pearson, Mary C __________________ _ Pearson, Serepta 0 _________________ _ Peeher, Annie _____________________ _ Peck, Emeline _____________________ _ Peck, Rose D _______________ - - - ___ _ Peckhan, Hattie N __________________ _ Peetz, Wilhelmina __________________ . Peifer, Mary________-----------_--_ Pennington, Mbnie __________ -- - ___ _ Penrose, Hester L __________________ _ Pensinger, Matilda___---_-------____ Percival, Fannie C _________ - - - - - ___ _ Perkins, FloraJ _____-_--- ------____ Perkins, Jennie W _________________ _ Perkins, Livonia _____________ - - - ___ _ Perkins, Rachel G _________________ _ Perrin, MaryF___-__----------_---- Perry,EllaJ.C__--__-------------- Perry, Frederick C _________________ _ Perry, Malvina H __________________ _ Perry, MaryJ. (widow of Oliver H.) __ Perry, Mary J. (widow of Oran) _____ _ Person, Mary E ___________________ _ Personett,SarahC___-----------__-- Persons, Olive M __________________ _ Peters,Sallie___-------------------- Petersen, Peter C __________________ _ Peterson,EllaF__------------------ Peterson, Peter G __________________ _ Petres, Joseph C ___________________ _ Pettigrew, Rose A _________________ _ Petty, John T _____________________ _ Pfarr, Elisabeth______--------------- Phelps, Alice A ____________________ _ Phelps, Alice G ____________________ _ Phelps,Emma____------------------ Phelps, Susan C ___________________ _ Philips, Josefa T ___________________ _ Phillippe,Catharine_---------------- Phillips,Catherine__---------------- Phillips, Emma C __________________ _ Phillips,Henry____-----_----------- Phillips, Joanna H ____________ - ____ _ Phillips, MaggieM____--_-------___- Phillips, MarthaL _______ - - - - - - ___ _ Phillips, Mary A ___________________ _ Phillips,MaryL___---------------- Phillips, Sarah____------------------ Phillips, Sarah E ___________________ _ Phillips, Virgie_____---------------- Powell,VouglasD_______-_-----____ Powell, Josephine ________ - - - - - - - ___ _ Powell, MaryEllen_______------____ Pickard, Martha L ________ - _- - ____ _ Pickard,MaryE_____---------_____ Pickle, Miranda. J __________________ _ INDEX. Page 1995 2089 2018 1792 2079 1647 2066 2001 2042 1800 1814 2062 2046 1763 1657 2082 1684 1999 1781 1712 1827 2058 2013 1688 1824 2080 2047 1783 2017 1802 1810 2100 1900 1992 1839 1797 2084 1993 1772 1660 1966 1800 1723 2016 lRr:;f) 1715 1829 2043 1647 1690 2069 2057 1990 1840 1875 2030 2061 2080 1829 Pensions Increased-Continued. Picklesimer, Alfred _________________ _ Pierce, Anna Katharine_ _ __________ _ Pierce, Martha Ann ________________ _ Pierce, Mary L ___________________ _ Pierce, RachelJ. (widow of Olney) ___ _ Pierce, Rachel J. (widow of William G.)_ Pike, Celia M _____________________ _ Pilate, Emma _____________________ _ Pile, Nancy C _____________________ _ Pile, Sarah C ______________________ _ Pillars, Clarissa L _________________ _ Pilsworth, Mary E _________________ _ Piper, Ella ________________________ _ Piper, Hannah _____________________ _ Piper, Rosett H ___________________ _ Pitman, Sarah E ___________________ _ Pixley, Nettie _____________________ _ Plank, Talitha _____________________ _ Playford, Isabella M _______________ _ Plett, Francina Joy ________________ _ Flimpton, Sarah ___________________ _ Plummer, Mary F _________________ _ Plyley, Celia A ____________________ _ Pockmire, Elizabeth ________________ _ Poling, Mary M ___________________ _ Pollard, Clara A ___________________ _ Pool, Mary E _____________________ _ Pope, MaLnda J ___________________ _ Poppino, Mary C __________________ _ Porter, Elizabeth A ________________ _ Porter, Margaret __________________ _ Porter, Rachel F ___________________ _ Posten, Melissa H _________________ _ Poston, Elvira _____________________ _ Potter, Anna E ____________________ _ Pott('r, Henry C ___________________ _ Potter, Lena E ____________________ _ Potts, Mary !vL ___________________ _ Potts, Susan !vL ___________________ _ Powell, Angelina C _________________ _ Powell, Susan _____________________ _ Powers, John J ____________________ _ Powers, Lula H ____________________ _ Prater, John _______________________ _ Pratt, Lizzie R ____________________ _ Pray, Phebe E _____________________ _ Preble, Emma_____________________ _ Prentice, Clara M __________________ _ Preston, Lavinia C ________________ _ Prestoi Myrtie ___________________ _ Preston, Sarah E __________________ _ Price, Corellah B __________________ _ Price, Julia _________________________ _ Price, Louvinah J __________________ _ Price, Mary B _____________________ _ Price, Mary E ____________________ ._ Price, Matilda Ann _________________ ' Pride, Annie _____________________ - - Prince, Amelia J ___________________ _ Page 2023 1679 1768 1657 1806 2020 1700 2076 1699 2025 1705 1772 1662 1715 2074 1808 2015 1772 1685 1775 1777 1718 1786 2005 1693 2032 1705 1n2 1999· 1763 2037 2025 1997 1706 1870 2102 2021 1995 1765 1904 1693 2108 2055 1845 1814 2030 1810 1805 2023 1811 2033 1756 1764 2034 1700 1811 1822 1753 2052