Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/307

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sli'~. IL CBs. 607-oog. 1930. 1915 CHAP. 607. -An Act To aut1aorize the oonveyanee of certain land in the Bot laM 26, Ul3O . Springs National Park, Arkansas, to the P. F. Connelly Paving Company. ,I. 1183.J [Private, No. ljI.] Be it enacted by t1e &7uJte arul H OU8e ()f Rep1'6ientatiIDes of tM Unit6d StaUB 01 Amsrica in Oongre&8 (Uumbled That the Secretary P. F . CODllelly Pav. ofLL_T~_'be d'hb ho'dthid' . IngCompany. WMD oUIu::rlor ,an lS el'e[)Y, aut rl1.e m s Iscretion to HDesignated -kant 1.3 convey to the P. F . Connelly Paving Company, of Little Bock, p~~,BTarmstroBot (talk) 15:10, 18 January 2013 (UTC) oo:!eO:ed ArkaDsas, by the issuance of patent or other appropriate instru.mmt to. of conveyance, and at an appraised value to 6e approved by said Secretary, that certain tract (if land located within the Hot Springs National Park, Garland County, Arkansas, described as follows: Description. Beginning at a point on the west boundary line of Hot Springs NationaJ. Park Arkansas, said point being the most southerly corner of lot 32, bloc~ 128, United States Hct Springs Resei'vation as sur- veyed, mapped, and platted by the United States Hot Springs com- mIssioners; thence in a southeasterly direction and at right angles to the boundary of Hot Springs National Park aforesaid, a distance of fifty feet; thence in a northeasterly direction and parallel with the aforementioned boundary line, two hundred and ninety feet; thence in a northwesterly direction a distance of fifty feet to the afore- mentioned boundary line; thence in a southwesterly direction along said boundary line a distance of two hundred and ninety feet to the point of beginning; and, upon the transfer of title to said land to the Vol. 41 , p. 14D'1. said company, the same slUtH be, and is hereby, eliminated from the said Hot Springs N ationa! Park. Approved, June 25, 1930. J'une 26, 1930. CHAP. 60S .-An Act For the relief of Stephen W. Douglass, chief pharmacist, -..=::>:,[B7:.=-;Z7~18:L'):"::":""i_ Uni+..ed States Navy, retired. [Private, No. 124.J Be it enacted by the Senate o:n.d House 01 Reyresentative8 of the United StateB 0; America in Oong"~8 aBH'11ibled, That Chief Pbar- N:!1henw.Douglass, macist Stephen W. Douglass, United States Nary, 'W'ho was trans- M';' noefve retInld ferred to the retired list of the Navy on September 4, 1929, upon ~~ :.btaed reaching the statutory RillA of sixty-four years, after a service of Vol. 45, p. 1187 .


. he «;>- IN nl'.... _. .l U. B. C., Bupp. IV, orty-one years III t active rega ar avy-ten, yean; as an e IDWll p.515 . man, fourteen years as a warrant officer (phannacist), and seventeen years as a commissioned warrant officer (chief pharmacist )--shaU hereafter be entitled to retired pa;r as pnwided for a oonmllssioned warrant officer with twenty years creditable commissicmed serviee in the Act approved February 1~, 1929. Approved, June 25, 1930. CHAP. 600 .-An Act For the relief of A. R. Johnston. J'Dlla 26, 1930. [B.2788 .J (Prl'ftte, No. 126.) Be it enacted by the Senate and H O'U8e 01 Representatives of the United StateB of America in Oong,.us lJ88emb161l, That the Secretary 15:10, 18 January 2013 (UTC)~~i to, of the ':l'reasury be, and he is hereby-, authorized and direc~ to pay Ilr traveUq 1II]NIIII8S. to A. R . Johnston, member of the United States .Asst.y CommiSSIon, out of any money in the ~asury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $120.76, being the amount expended by him for traveling expenses incurred in the discharge of oBieial duty from February 10, 1919, to February 16, 19Ut Approved, June 2'5, 1930.