Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/365

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SEVEXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. SESS. III. CHao 67-61. 1931. held and considered to have been honorably discharged from the naval service of the United States as a seaman of that urganization on the 1st day of June, 1865: Pr01Jided, That no bounty, back pay, pension, or allowance shall be held to have accrued prior to the passage of this Act. Approved, January 29, 1931. 1973 ProflilO. No back pay, etc. H J a.nuary 29, 1931. CHAP. ~8.-An Act For the relief of Rebert ofma.n . [II. R . 8117.) -rI'rlvate, No. ~ Be it enacted by the Senate and /louse of Representatives of the United States of America in Oongres8 a8semhled, That in the admin- TarmstroBot (talk)Jt TarmstroBot (talk) 15:21, 18 January 2013 (UTC). cor. istration of any laws conferring :rights, privileges, and benefits upon rected. honorably discharged sailors, their widows, or dependent relatives, Robert Hofman, formerly of the United States Navy, shall hereafter be held and considered to have been honorably discharged from the naval service of the United States on November 2, 1899: Provided, Prooi8o. h . b h h11behId No prior pension, etc. T at no pay, penSIOn, ounty, or ot er emoluments s a eto have accrIIed prior to the passage of this Act. Approved, January 29, 1931. CHAP. 69.- An Act For the relief of William A. Quigley. JnFi{.~~I. [Private, No. 295.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Oongress assembled, That in the admin- ~ill~ A. ~uigley. istration of any laws conferring rights'lrivileges, and benefits upon rect!i~ recor cor· honorably discharged sailors Wilham . Quigley, formerly of the United States Navy, shall hereafter be held and considered to have been honorably discharged from the naval service of the United States on the 16th day of January, 1925: Provided, That no bounty, Prooi8o. back pay, pension, or allowance be held to be accruing prior to the No back pay, etc. passage of this Act. Approved, January 29, 1931. CHAP. 60.- An Act For the relief of Sterrit Keefe. Jorafi. ~ob'1. [Private, No. 296.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Oongress assembled, That in the admin- ~e~ K~'d • istration of any laws conferril!g rig-hts, privileges, and benefits upon rect!I. r cor honorably discharged sailors Sterrlt Keefe, who served on boaI'd the United States ship Mayflower during the war with Spain, shall herea:ftE:r be held and considered to have been honorably discharged from the naval service of the United States on February 2, 1899: Provided, That no bounty, back pay, pension, or allowance shall be :7o~~rpension.etc. held to have accrued prior to the passage of this Act. Approved, January 29, 1931. January 29,1931. CHAP. 61.- An Act For the relief of Arthur Edward Blanchard. [H. R. 11297.) [Private, No. 29i.) Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representative8 of the United States of America in Oongress assembled, That in the A h Ed d administration of ~ny laws conferring rights,_p~ivileges, or benefits Bla,15:21, 18 January 2013 (UTC)d. war upon honorably dIScharged seamen of the Umted States Arthur l:t! record cor· Edward Blanchard, seaman, second class, shall hereafter be held and considered to have beeu honorably discharged from the naval service