Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/616

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2224 INTER-AMERICAN CONCILIATION. JANUARY 5, 1929. Hecho en la ciudad de Washing- ton, a los cinco dias del mes de enero de mil novecientos vein- tinueve. Done at the city of Washing- ton, on this fifth day of January, 1929. CARLOS F. GRISANTI FR. ARROYO P AREJO [SE.\L] CARLOS F. GRISANTI FR. ARROYO P AREJO Chile exceptua. en esta Convenci6n las cuestiones que tenga.n origen en situaciones 0 hechos anteriores a ella.. A. PLANET [SEAL] [SEAL] [SEAL] [SEAL] HERNAN VELARDE VICTOR M. MAURTUA R6MULO E. DUR6N M. L6PEZ PONCE ADRIAN RECINOS JOSE FALLA [SEAL] [SEAL] [SEAL] [SEAL] [SEAL] S. GURGEL DO AMARAL A. ARAUJO-JORGE MANUEL FOSTER [SEAL] E. DIEZ DE MEDINA Josf PEDRO VARELA MANUEL CASTRO QUESADA JOSE TIBLE-MACHADO A.BoNAMY RAOUL LIZAIRE [SEAL] [SEAL] [SEAL] [SEAL] [SEAL] [SEAL] GONZALO ZALDUMBIDE ENRIQUE OLAYA HERRERA C. ESCALL6N [SEAL] [SEAL]