Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/641

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PARCEL POST-GOLD COAST COLONY. VII. BILLING OF PARCELS Manh 6, 19~9. April 2, 1929. 2249 Dilling of Jl8I'ceIs. 1. The entries on the parcel bills shall show in respect to each parcel Parrel b1l18. the serial number of the entry, the name of the office of origin, the name and address of the addressee, and the contents and value as shown on the customs declaration. 2. Two copies of each parcel bill shall be sent to the office of ex- In duplicate. change of the country of destination. 3. The entry on the bill of any returned parcel must be followed by Returned parcels. the word "Returned". 4. Each dispatching office of exchange shall number the parcel bills NUlpbering by dis- . h Ifhd . h f h . f patchmg office. m t e upper e t- an corner, commencmg eac year a res senes or each office of exchange of destination. The last number of the year shall be shown on the parcel bill of the first dispatch of the following year. 5. The exact method of advising parcels or the receptacles contain- ArtIcles In transit. ing them sent by one Administration in transit through the other to- gether with any details of procedure in connection with the advice of such parcels or receptacles for which provision is not made in this Agreement, shall be settled by mutual agreement through correspond- ence between the two Administrations. VIII. CERTIFICATES OF MAILING The sender may receive a certificate of mailing from the post office where the parcel is mailed, on a form provided for the purpose, in ac~~rdance with the laws and regulations of the AdminIstration of ongm. IX. RESPONSIBILITY NOT ACCEPTED FOR ORDINARY PARCELS. Cenfftcates of mail· ing. Furnlsbed to IIt!Dder. Responsibility. No compeDSation for loss, etc., of ordinary Neither the sender nor the addressee of any parcel shall be entitled parcels. to compensation for the loss of the parcel or for the abstraction of or damage to its contents. X. TRANSIT PARCELS. 1. Each Administration guarantees the right of transit over its territory, to or from any country with which it has parcel post com- munication, of parcels originating in or addressed for delivery in the territory of the other contracting Administration. 2. Each Administration shall inform the other to which countries parcels may be sent through it &3 intermediary. 3. To be accepted for onward transmission, parcels sent by one of the contracting Administrations through the service of the other Administration must comply with the conditions prescribed from time to time by the intermediary Administration. XI. CHECK BY OFFICE OF EXCHANGE. 1. On the receipt of a Parcel Mail, the receiving Office of Exchange shall check it. Any discrepancies or irregularities noted shall be immediately reported to the dispatchin~ office of exchange by means of a bulletin of verification. If report IS not made promptly, it will be assumed that the Mail and the accompanying bills were in every respect in proper order. 2. In the case of any discrepancies or irregularities in a Mail, such record shall be kept as will permit of the furnishing of information regarding the matter in connection with any subsequent investigation which may be made. Transit parrels. For otber oountrles. Notice. Conditions. Check by exchange office. Verification.