Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/644

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2252 Accounting. PARCEL POST-GOLD COAST COLONY. March 6, 1929. April 2, 19:;9. to the receiving Administration, for every parcel which weighs over 3 pounds and not over 7 pounds a. payment of 1 shilling 6 pence (36 cents) shall be made, for every parcel which weighs over 7 pounds and not over 11 pounds a payment of 2 shillings (48 cents) shall be made and for every parcel which weighs over 11 pounds and not over 22 pounds a payment of 3 shillings (72 cents) shall be made. XXI. ACCOUNTING. Terminal parcels. 1. Terminal parcels. At the end of each quarter the creditor COUntry shall prepare an account of the amount due to it in respect t.o the parcels received in EXCesS of those dispatched. Transit parcels. 2. Transit parcels. Each Administration shall also prepare quarterly an account show- ing the sums due for parcels sent by the other Administration for onward transmission. Exam1Dation. 3. These accounts shall be submitted to the examination of the corresponding Administration in the course of the month which follows the quarter to which they relate. Prompt verificetion. 4. The compilation, transmission, verification and acceptance of the accounts must be effected as early as possible and the payment resulting from the balance must be made at the latest before the end of the following quarter. Payment of balanOll8. 5. Payment of the balances due on these accounts between the two Administrations shall be effected by means of drafts on New York or in any other manner which may be agreed upon mutually by cor- respondence between the two Administrations, the expense attendant on the payment being at the charge of the indebted Administration. Mattera not provided for. XXII. MATTERS NOT PROVIDED FOR IN THE AGREEMENT. m~l:::ges, oo~Po:l 1. The Postmaster General of the United States of America and enoe. the Postmaster General of the Gold Coast Colony shall have author- ity jointly- to make from time to time by correspondence such changes and modifications and further regulations of order and detail as may become necessary to facilitate the operation of the services contem- plated by this Agreement as well as to provide arrangements for the registratIOn and insurance of parcel post packages and for the exchange of parcels subject to collect-on -delivery charges should both countries at any time desire anyone or all of these services. tio~ut:f :ar~'fun~:i 2.. The Admini~~rations sha~ communicate t~ each ot~er from time laws, etc. to time the prOVISIons of theIr laws or regulatIOns applicable to the conveyance of parcels by Parcel Post. Duration of Agree. ment. EII8!'tive date. Duration. XXIII. DURATION OF AGREEMENT. 1. This Agreement shall take effect and operations thereunder shall begin on a date to be mutually settled between the Adminis- trations of the two countries. 2. It shall remain in force until one of the two contracting Adminis- trations has given notice to the other, six months in advance, of its intention to terminate it. a. Done in duplicate and signed at Accra the 6th day of March 1929 and at Washington the 2d day of April 1929. [SEAL] S. B. GOSLING. P08tmaster General of the Gold Ooast Oolony [SEAL] WALTER F BROWN, P08tmaster General of the United State8 of America.