Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/662

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2270 ARBITRATION TREATY-FRANCE. FEBRUARY 6, 1928. Plenipotentl&ries. convention signed at Washington on February 10, 1908, which expires by limitation on Febru- ary 27, 1928, and promoting the cause of arbitration and for that purpose they have appointed as their respective Plenipotentiaries: The President of the United States of America: Mr. Robert E. OIds, Acting Secretary of State, and The President of the French Republic: His Excellency Mr. Paul Clau- del, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the French Republic to the United States, who, having communicated to one another their full powers found in good and due form, have agreed upon the following articles: ARTICLE I. lntemation!ll dl1fer· Any disputes arising between ences not adjusted by dipl<?IDaCY, referred by the Government of the United special agreement to S f Am' dhG Permanent Interna· tates 0 encaan te ov- tional Commission. ernment of the French Republic of whatever nature they may be, shall, when ordinary diplomatic proceedings have failed and the High Contracting Parties do not have recourse to adjudication by a competent tribunal, be submitted for investigation and report, as Vol. 38, p.l887. prescribed in the treaty signed at Washing_ton, September 15, 1914, to the Permanent International Commission constituted pursuant thereto. Special &greemmt. ARTICLE II. All differences relating to inter- national matters in which the High Contracting Parties are con- cerned by virtue of a claim of right made by one against the other under treaty or otherwise, which it has not been possible to adjust by diplomacy, which have not been adjusted as a. result of reference to the above-mentioned Permanent Interna.tional Com- mission, and which are justiciable in their nature by reason of being susceptible of decision by the application of the principles of law or equity, shall be submitted to the Permanent Court of Arbi- d'arbitrage signee a Washington Ie 10 Fevrier 1908, qui vient a expiration Ie 27 Fevrier 1928, et contribuant a avancer la cause de l'arbitrage, et a ces fins ont designe pour leurs pMnipoten- tiaires respectifs, savoir: Le President des Etats-Unis d'Amerique: M. Robert E. OIds, Secretaire d'Etat par interim, et Le President de la Republique FranQaise: Son ExcellenceM. Paul C1audel, Ambassadeur Extraordinaire e.t Plenipotentiaire de la Republique Fran9aise aux Etats-Unis, les- queIs, apres s'etre communique leurs pleins pouvoirs reconnus en bonne et, due forme, sont convenus des dispositions suivantes: ARTICLE 1. Tous differends qui viendraient a s'elever Ie Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amerique et Ie Gouvernement de Ia Republique Fran9aise, de quelque nature qu'lls soient, seront, Iorsque Ies procedes diplomatiques ordinaires auront echoue et que les Hautes Parties contractantes n'auront pas re- couru a la decision d'un tribunal competent, soumis pour enquete et rapport, ainsi qu'il est prevu dans Ie traite signe :\ Washington Ie 15 Septembre 1914, a Ia Com- mission Permanente Internatio- nale instituee par cet acte. ARTICLE II. Tous differends concernant des affaires internationales dans Jes- queUes 1es. Hautes Parties Con- tractantes se trouvent engagees par suite de 1a pretention d'un droit aUegue par l'une al'encontre de l'autre en vertu d'un traite ou autrement, qui n'auront pu ~tre regles par 1a voie diplomatique, non plus que par l'8:p~lication du recours a Ia ComrmsslOn perma- nente internationale visee dans l'artide premier et qui en raison de leur nature susceptible d'une decision appliquant les principes du droit et de l'equit.e, peuvent etre juges, seront soumis a Is