Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/665

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ARBITRATION TREATY-FRANCE. FEBRUARY 6, 1928. my unaerstanding that your Government's interpretation of the Treaty signed February 6, 1928, is identical with that of the Government of the United States as expressed above. Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurance of my consideration. FRANK B. KELLOGG His Excellency Mr. PAUL CLAUDEL Ambassador of the French Republic [The French Ambas8ador to the Secretary of State] AMBASSADE DE LA REPUBLIQUE FRANf;AISE AUX ETATS-UNIS Washington, le 5 mars, 19£8 MONSIEUR LE SECRETAIRE D'ETAT, Par Iettre en date du l"r de ce mois, Votre Excellence a bien voulu me faire savoir que, dans I 'esprit du Gouvernement f6d6raI, "Ies dispositions du trait6 d 'arbitrage sign6 Ie 6 f6vrier 1928 n'affectent et ne modifient A. aucun degr6 Ies dispositions du trait6 sign6 Ie 15 septembre 1914". Elle a ajouM qu'Elle serait heureuse de recevoir de moi une Iettre confirmant que mon Gouvernement partage ce point de vue. Mon Gouvernement, auquel je n'avais pas manqu6 de transmettre Ie texte m~me de Ia note de Votre Excellence, me prie de Lui assurer que son interpr6ta- tion du Trait6 sign6 Ie 6 f6vrier 1928 est identique A. celIe du Gouvernement des Etats-Unis, telle qu'elle est expos6e ci-dessus. Mon Gouvernement estime que notre r6cent trait6 d'arbitrage non seulement laisse intact Ie trait6 de 1914 mais en pr6voit m~me l'application. Veuillez agr6er, Monsieur Ie Secr6taire d'Etat, Ies assurances de ma haute consid6ration. CLAUDEL Son Excellence L'Honorable FRANK B. KELLOGG, Secr~taire d'Etat des Etats-Unis, Washington, D. C. [The French Amba8asdor to the Secretary of State] [TranslatioI:] EMBASSY OF THE FRENCH REPUBLIC TO THE UNITED STATES Washington, March 5, 19£8. MR. SECRETARY OF STATE: By a note dated the first of this month Your Excellency has been good enough to inform me that in the opinion of the Federal Government "the provisions of the treaty of arbitration signed February 6, 1928, do not in the slightest degree affect or modify the provisions of the treaty signed September 15, 1914". You added that you would be glad to receive from me a note confirming that my Government shares this point of view. My Government, to which I did not fail to transmit the text of Your Excel- lency's note, has requested me to assure you that its interpretation of the treaty signed February 6, 1928, is identical with that of the Government of the United States as expressed above. My Government is of the opinion that our recent arbitration treaty not only leaves the 1914 treaty unchanged but even envisages its application. Please accept, Mr. Secretary of State, the assurances of my high consideration. His Excellency Thp, Honorable FRANK B. KELLOGG, Secretary of State of the United Statu, Washington, D. C. CLAUDEL 2273 Note of ooncurrence from French Ambasla- dor to Secretary 01 State.