Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/740

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2348 TREATY-RENUNCrATION OF 'VAR. AUGUST 27,1928. NOTE BY THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE ADHERING COUNTRIES When this Treaty became effective on July 24, 1929, the instruments of ratification of all of the signatory powers having been deposited at Washington, the following countries, having deposited instruments of definitive adherence, became parties to it: Afghanistan Finland Albania Guatemala Austria Hungary Bulgaria Iceland China Latvia Cuba Liberia Denmark Lithuania Dominican Republic Netherlands Egypt Nicaragua Estonia Norway EthiopIa Panama Peru Portugal Rumania Russia Kingd 0 m of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes Siam Spain Sweden TUlkey Additional adhesions deposited 8ubseCtuenl:. to JUly 24, 1929. Persia, July 2, 1929;· Greece, August 3, 1929; Honduras, August 5, 1929; Chile, August 12, 1929; Luxemburg!.yAuguat 14, 1929; Danzig, September 11, 1929; Costa Rica, October 1, 1929; venezuela, October 24, 1929.