Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/854

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2462 IMPORT AND EXPORT PROHIBITIONS November 8. 1927. • January 30. 1928. Contracting Pow- Republic' His Serene Highness ers--Contmued. , the Governor of Hungary; His Majesty the King of Italy; His Majesty the Emperor of Japan; the President of the Latvian Republic; Her Royal Highness the Grand-Duchess of Luxem- burg; His Majesty the King of Norway; Her :Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands; the President of the Polish Republic; the Presi- dent of the Portuguese Republic; His MajRsty the King of Rou- mania; His 1Iajesty the King of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes; His :Majesty the King of Siam; His 1Iajesty the King of Sweden; the Swiss Federal Council; the President of the Czechoslovak Republic; the President of the Turkish Republic: Preamble. Having regard to the resolu- tion of the Assembly of the League of Nations dated Sep- tember 25th, 1924; Being guided by the conclu- sions of the International Eco- nomic Conference held at Geneva in May 1927, and agreeing with the latter that import and export prohibitions, and the arbitrary practices and disguised discrimi- nations to which they give rise, have had deplorable result.s, with- out the grave drawbacks of these measures being counterbalanced by the financial advantagas or social benefits which were antici- pated by the countries which had reCOUl'Se to them; Being persuaded that it is important for the recovery and future development of world trade the Governments should abandon a policy which js equally injurious to their own and to the general interest; Being convinced that a return to the effective liberty of inter- national commerce is one of the blique frant;aise; Son Altesse s~re­ nissime Ie Gouverneur de Is. Hongrie; Ss. Majeste Ie Roi d'Ita- lie; Sa Majeste l'Empereur du Japon; Ie President de Is. Repu- blique de Lettonie; Son Altesse royale la Grande-Duchesse du Luxembourg; Sa Majeste Ie Roi de N orvege; Sa Majeste la Reine des Pays-Bas; Ie President de la Republique de Pologne; Ie President de Is. Republique portu- gai3e; Sa Majeste Ie Roi de Rou- manie; Sa Majeste Ie Roi des Serbes, Croates et Slovenes; Sa Majeste Ie Roi du Siam; Sa Majeste Ie Roi de Suede; Ie Conseil federal suisse; Ie President de la Republique tchecoslovaquc; Ie President de la Republique de Turquie: Vu la resolution de l'Assemblee de la Societ~ des Nations en date du 25 septembre 1924; S'inspirant des conclusions de la Conference economique inter- nationale, tenue a Geneve en mai 1927, et reconnaissant avec celle- ci que les prohibitions d'importa- tion et d'exportation, les regimes arbitraires et les discriminations d~guisees qu'elles suscitent ont eu des r~sultats d~plorables, sans que les inconvenients graves de ces mesures aient eu pour contre- partie les avantages financiers ou les bienfaits sociaux qu'en espe- raient les Etats qui les avaient pnses; Persuad~s qu'il importe au r~­ tablissement et au d~veloppement futur du commerce mondial que les gouvernements renoncent a une politique nuisible aussi bien a leur interet particulier qu'a l'in- teret general; Conavincus que Ie retour a In libert~ effective du commerce international est une des condi-