Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/878

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2486 IMPORT AND EXPQ"AT PROHIBITIONS November 8. 1927. ~,• • January SO. 1928. Signatures-Con- Inde tinued. ' India Bulgarie Chili Under the terms of Article 10 I decl,.re that my signature does not include the territories in India of any Prince or Chief under the suzerainty of His Majesty.l Atul C CSA'rI'EIUEE. 26-IV-28 Prof. Georges DANAILLOW 8-XI -27 Au moment de signer la presente Convention, Ie sotlSsigne declare, au nom de son Gouvernement: a) Qu'll a Ia ferme conviction que Ies NoB 1 et 3 de I'article 4 ne pourront 6tre invoques par les autres Hautes PartIes contractantes pour interdire ou restreindre l'importation dans leur territoire du nitra.te de soude chilien, princip~ement employe dans l'agriculture. b) Que de l'avia du Gouvernement du Chili Ia Convention n'affoote ni Ie syst~me tarifaire ni Ies methodas contractuelles des pays participants, ni Ies pratiques destinees 8. en assurer I'application, y compris Ies mesures destinees a. contre-balancer les effets du dumping.' E. VILLEGAS 14-VI-28 Danemark Egypte Estonie Avec reserve pour Ie Groenlalld a J. CLAN. 8-XI -27 Sadik. E . HENEIN 8-XI -27 C. R. PUSTA 30-1 -28 Translation by the Secretariat oj the League oj Nations: (' Bulgaria Chile Denmark Egypt Estonia 1 Conform~men~ aux termes de l'article 10, je d~clare que ma signature n'engage pas les territoires de l'Inde appartenant A\In prince ou chef plachous la ~uzerainet~ de Sa Majes~ britannique. I At the moment of signing the present Convention, the undersigned declares, on behalf of his Government: (a) That he is fully convinced that Nos. 1 and 3 of Article 4 cannot be invoked by the other Hifh Contractin, Parties to prohibit or restrict the importation into their territones of Chilian mtrate of soda, principa.lly employed in 'agriculture. (b) That, in the Chiliau Government's opinion, the Convention affects neither the ta.ri1f system nor the treaty-making methods of the participating countries, nor the measures taken to ensure their application, including the measures in- tended to counteract the effects of dumping. ' I Subject to reservation as regards Greenland.