Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/944

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2552 UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION. June 28,1929. lombls en rebut sont li~ aux destinataires ou aux expediteurs contre payement des taxes dont ils ont ~te grev~ a.u d~part, a l'anivoo ou en cours de route par suite de rOOxpedition au dela du premier parcourB, saM pri- judice du remboursemem des droits de douane O'U amres frais speciaux dont le pays de desti'lUdion n'ac- corde pas l'annulation. Ueneraldellvery,etc., 7.- - En cas de rkxpUition sur tee'· canceled. de' un a,mre pt;,ys ou 1Wn-rem't8e, la tau dt!- poste restante, le droit de dedouanement, la taxe comple- mentaire d' exprb3 et le droit special de remue aux destinataires des rdits paquets sont annuUs. ARTI(LE 51. IDqu!rics. Reclamations. FeesauthorizOO. 1. -La reclamation de tout envoi peut donner lieu a la per- ception d'lm droit fixe d'un franc au maximum. Reglstered articles. En ce qui concerne les envois recommandes, aucun droit n,est peIYu si l'experuteur a deja. a.c- quit~ Ie droit special pour un avis de reception. Time for, limited. 2. -Les reclamations ne sont admises que dans Ie delai d'un an a compter du lendemain du dep6t de l'enroi. Acceptance. 8. --Ohaque Office est oblige d'ac- cepter les reclamations concernam tks enrois deposu sur le territoirc d'amres OjfiCes. Le droit de re- Retention otree. clamation est garde en emur par l'Ojfice qui accepte la reclamatwn. Returned, U fault of 4. -Lorsqu'une reclamation a service. eM motivk par une fame de service, le droit de reclamation est restitue. Reglstered articles. POll, p. 2708. Charges. Designated articles. Ante, p. 2540 . CHAPITRE II. Envois Recommandes. ARTICLE 52. Taxes. l. -Les objets de correspon dance designee a Particle 8S peu- vent . ·~tre expedies sous recom- mandation. ered to the addressees or senders upon payment of the charges due on them on departure, on arrival, or in the course of transmission, as a result of redirection after the first transmission, without preju- dice to the repayment of the customs duties or other special charges which the country of destination does not agree to canceL 7. In the case of forwarding to another eountry, or of non-de- livery, the general-delivery fee, the customs-clearance fee, the additional special-delivery fee, and the special fee for the delivery of small packets to the addressees, are canceled. ARTICLE 51 Inquiries 1. An inquiry as to the disposal made of any article may give rise to the collection of a fee fixed at 1 franc maximum. As for registered articles, no fee is collected if the sender has already paid the special fee for a return receipt. 2. Inquiries are accepted only within the period of one year, counting from the day following that of mailing of the article. 3. Every Administration is ob~ed to accept inquiries con- cermng articles mailed on the ter- ritory of other Administrations. T1:e inquiry fee is retained in its entirety by the Administration accepting the inquiry. 4. When an inquiry has been made necessary thru a fault of the service, the inquiry . fee is returned. CHAPTER II REGISTERED ARTICLES ARTICLE 52 (See Protocol VI) Oharges 1. The articles of correspond- ence designated in Article 32 may be sent under registration.