Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/950

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2558 UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION. June 28,1929. diees grevees de remboursement dans les relations entre les pays dont les Administrations convien- nent d'sssut'er ce service. TarmstroBot (talk)or:= ~ Sauf arrangement contraire, Ie origin. montant du remboursement est expriroe dans la monnaie du pays d'origine de l'envoi. Maximum amount. Le maximum du rembourse- ment est egal a celui fixe pour les mandats de poste a destination du pays d'origine de l'envoi. Rates, etc. Les objets contre rembourSe- ment soot soumis aux formalites et aux taxes des envois reco- mandes. L'expediteur paie, en outre, une taxe fixe qui ne peut depasser 50 centimes par envoi et un droit proportionnel de ~ pour cent au maximum dll montant du rem- boursement. ~ Administration a la faculte d'adopter, pour la percep- tion du droit proportionnel, l'e- cheUe qui repond le mieux d ses convenances de service. Transmission to 2.- Le montant encaisse sur Ie sender. destinataire est transmis a l'expe- diteur au moyen d'un mandat de remboursement qui est anis gra- tuitement. Other methods of set· S. -Les Administrations peu- tlement. vent s'entendre sur un autre procede pOUl' la liquidation des sommes encaissees. Elles peu- vent, notamment, Be charger d.e les verser en compte courant postal dans Ie pays de destination de l'envoi. c. o. D . charge and Dans ce cas, sauj arrangement collection. contraire, le montant du remboU1'se- ment Mit etre i1Ul~ dans la monnaie du pays de destination. n est per~ sur l'expediteur, en plus dis taxes d'un envoi recom- mande, une taxe fixe de 25 centimes Transfer etJected. au maximum. L'OjJice de destina- tion verst, en com'Rte courant, au moyen d'un bullettn de versement du regime inUrieur, le montant en- caisse sur le destinataire, apres deduction d'une taxe fixe de 25 centimes au maximum et de la taxe ordinaire des versements applicable dans 8011. service interieur. countries whose Administrations agree to conduct that service. Barring contrary agreement, the amount to be collected is ex- pressed in the money of the country of origin of the article. The maximum C. O. D. charge is equal to the maximum amount fixed for money orders addressed to the country of origin of the article. C. O . D. articles are subject to the conditions and rates applica- ble to registered articles. The sender also pays a fixed fee, which may not exceed 50 centimes per article, and a pro- portional fee of ~ per cent at most of the amountoftheC. O. D. charge. Each Administration has the option of adopting, for the col- lection of the proportional fee, the scale which is most convenient for its service. 2. The amount collected from the addressee is transmitted to thesender bymeans of a C..O. D. money order, which is issued free of charge.. 3. Administra.tions ma.y agree upon some other procedure for the settlement of the sums col- lected. They may, in particular, undertake to turn them over to a current postal account in the country of destination of the article. In this case, in the absence of contrary arrangements, the amount of the C. O. D. charge shall be indicated in mon~ of the country of destinatio~ There is collected from the sender, in addition to the postage for a registered article, a fixea fee of 25 centimes at most. The Adminis- tration of destination turils over to the current account, by means of a domestic transfer bulletin, the amount collected from the addressee, after deducting a fixed fee of 25 centimes at most and the ordinary transfer charge applica- ble in its domestic service.