Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/963

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In witness whereof, I have caused the seal of the Post Office Depart- ment of the United States to be hereto affixed this eighth day of March, 1930. [SEAL] WALTER F. BROWN, Postmaster General. I hereby approve the above-mentioned Convention, and in testi- Pr~~ro~al by the mony thereof have caused the seal of the United States to be hereto en. affixed. [SEAL] HERBERT HOOVER. By the President: J. P . COTTON, Acting Secretary oj State WASHINGTON, March 13, 1930. PROTOCOL FINAL DE LA CONVENTION. Au moment de proceder a Ia signature de Ia Convention pos- tale universelle conclue a Ia date de ce jour, Ies pIenipotentiaires soussignes sont convenus de ce qui suit: I. Retrait. Modification d'adre8se. Les dispositions de l'article 49 de la Cm:../ention ne s'appliquent pas a la Grande-Bretagne, m aux Dominions, Colonies et Protecto- rats britanniques, dont la legis- lation int6rieure ne permet pas Ie retrait 0'fJ, la modification d' adresse de correspondances a Ia demande de l'expediteur. II. Equivalents. Limites m8.XllD.a et minima. l.-Chaque pays a Ia faculM de majorer de 50% ou de reduire d.e 20% au, maximu,m les taxes prevues a l'article 33, §1, con- forrnement aux indications du tableau ci-apres: I Limi- Limi- tes tes inr6- sup6- . rieures rieures Cen- Cen- Lettres: times timP.s premier ~helon___ _____________ aJ 87,5 par 6chelon suppMmentaire_____ 12 tt,5 Cartes POStales: simples________________________ _ avec r6ponse paru _____________ _ Papiers d'affaires, par 50 grammes __ minimum de taxe ______________ _ Imprim6s, par 50 grammes_________ _ Impressions en reller pour les aveu- 12 24 4 31 4 tt,5 ~ 7,5 87,6 7,5 FINAL PROTOCOL OF THE CONVENTION FlnaI ProtocoL . At htheUm<?men:l 0pf pr~~eC,eding to ;~~:t of Pleni- SIgn t e ruversru ostru onven- tion concluded on the :present date, the undersigned Plerupoten- tiaries have agreed as follows: I Withdrawal. Ohange oj address Withdrawal or change of address. The provisions of Article 49 of Provisions, not aI>- the Convention do not apply to p!icable to Great Brit- G B·· hB· am, etc. reat nt8.L"l., nor to t e ntish Ante, p. 2550. Dominions, Colonies and Protec- torates, whose domestic legislation does not permit the withdrawal or change of address of correspond- ence upon the request of the sender. II Equivalents. Maximum arul mini- L!mftfng postaJ rates. mum limits 1. Each country has the option of increasing by 50 percent, or of decreasing by 20 percent, at most, the postage rates fixed by Article Ante, p. 2Ml. 33, Section 1, in accordance with the indications of the following table: Table. Mini- Man- mum mum limits limits

Ctn- Cen- time8' time, Letters: a> 37.5 12 22.5 First unit __ • ____ ____ • ___ ____ __ _ Each additional unit. ___ __ __ __ _ Post cards: 12 22.5 24 {5 4 7.5 aJ 37.5 Binide _________________________ _ With reply paid _______________ _ Commercial ~I«8, eacb 50 grams__ Minimum charge__________ . ___ 4 7.5 gles, par 1000 grammes___________ _ Echantfilons de marchandises, par 4 4 8 11 • 7.6 ~~ =t~l[:e~iind:e8cliiooo- 7,S grams ___________ . _______________ _ 50 grammes ______________ .. _______ _ minimum de taxe _____________ _ Pditl paQIUU, par 50 fJramm(3 _____ _ minimum de tare _______________ _ 40 7,5 15 tt,5 75 Samid~~ each 50 grams ____________ _ mimum cbnrge ______________ _ Small packets, each 50 grams _______ _ Minimum charl(e ______________ _ 4 7.6 8 15 12 22.5 40 75