Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/975

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UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION. June 28, 1929. 2583 R~GLEMENT D'EX~CU- TION DE LA CONVENTION POSTALE UNIVERSELLE. Les soussignM, vu l'article 4 de 10. Convention postale univer- selle conclue a Londres Ie 28J'uin 1929, ont, au nom de leurs A mi- nistrations respectives, arrete, d'un commun accord, les mesures suivantes pour assurer l'execu- tion de ladite Convention: TITRE 1. Dispositions generales. CHAPITRE UNIQUE. ARTICLE PREMIER. REGULATIONS FOR THE Ex!'Cntory regula· EXECUTION OF THE UNI- tlons. VERSAL POSTAL CONVEN- TION The undersigned, in view of Measures adopted. Article 4 of the Universal Postal Ante, p. 2529. Convention concluded at London on June 28, 1929, have, in the name of their respective Adminis- trations, drawn up, by common consent, the following measures to assure the execution of the said Convention: TITLE I GENERAL PROVISIONS SOLE CHAPTER ARTICLE 1 General provisions. Transit en depecbes closes et Transit in clqsed mails and transit transit a decouvert. in open mail Les Administrations peuvent s'expedier reciproquement, par l'intermemare d'une ou de plu- sieurs d'entre elles, tant des de- peches closes que des correspon- dances a decouvert, suivant les besoins du trafic et les conve- nances du service. La transmis- sion des correspondances a de- couvert d une Administration in- termediaire doit se limiter stric- tement aUX cas OU la confection de depeches closes ne se justijie pas. ARTICLE 2. Echange en depeches closes. l.- L'echange des correspon- dances en depeches closes est regIe d'un commun accord entre les Administrations interessees. nest obligatoire de former des depeches closes toutes les fois qu'une des Administrations in- termediaires en fait 10. demande, se basant sur Ie fait que Ie nom- bre de correspondances A de- couvert est de nature a entraver ses operations. 2. -Les Administrations par l'intermediaire desquelles de de- peches closes sont a expedier doivent etre prevenues en temps opportun. Administrations may send re- Use O.r closed and . all hr h' ed' open malls. Clproc y, t ute mterm lary of one or more of them, both closed mails and correspondence in open mail, in accordance with the re- quirements of the traffic and the conveniences of the service. The Open mall to inter· transmission of correspondence in mediate. open mail to an intermediate Administration must be limited ~dministration re- . 1 . hihh stncted. stnctytocasesillW c t eprep- aration of closed mails is not justified. ARTICLE 2 Exchange in closed mails 1. The exchange of correspond- ~xchange in dosed ence in closed mails is governed malls. by mutual agreement between tbe Administrations concerned. It is obligatory to up dosed ma.ils whenever one of the intermediate Administrations so request, basing its request on the fact that the number of articles in open mail is of such a nature as to binder its operations. 2. The Administrations thm whose intermediary closed mails are to be exchanged shall be duly notified in advance.