Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/991

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UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION. June 28, 1929. 2599 ARTICLE 22. Objets assimues aux khantulons. Sont admis au tarif des echan- tillons: les cliches d'imprimerie, les clefs isolees, les fleUl'S fralches coupees, les objets d'histoire na- turelle (animaux et piantes seches ou conserves, spooimens goologi- ques, etc.), tubes de serum et objets pathologiques rendus in· offensifs par leur mode de prepa- ration et d'emballage. Ces objets, A l'exception des tubes de serum expedies dans un inter~t general par les laboratoires ou institutions officiellement reconnus, ne peu· vent ~tre envoyes dans un but commercial. Leur emball~e doit ~tre confonne aux prescnptions generales concernant les echantil- Ions de marchandises. ARTICLE 23. Objets groupes. 1.- La reunion dans un seul envoi d'objets de correspondance rU categories diffbentes est limitee aux papiers d'affaires, aux im· primes, A l'exception des impres- sions en relief a l'usage des ave1l- gles, et aux khantillons de mar· chandises, sous reserve: . a) que chaque objet pris isole- ment ne depasse pas les limites qui lui sont applicables quant aux poids et aux dimensions; b) que Ie poids total ne deJ.>ssse pas 2 kUogrammes par envoI; c) que 10. taxe soit au minimum 10. taxe minimum dp,s papiers d'affaires si l'envoi contient des papiers d'affaires, et 10. taxe mini· mum des echantillons s'iI 8e compose d'imprimes et d'oohan- tillons. t.-Oes dispositionB M sont applicabZes qu'auz objets soumis d la mhne taze unitaire. Lors- qu'un O.ffice c-Onstate la reunion dans un m~me envoi d'objets pas- sible de taxes dijJerentes, eet envoi est frappe pour 80n poids total de la taxe ajJerente d la categorie dont U tarif est le plus lleve. ARTICLE 22 Articles assimilated to samples The following are admitted at the sample rate~ Electrotypes, keys sent singly, fresh cut flowers, articles of natural history (dried or preserved animals and plants, geological specimens, etc.), tubes of serum and pathological objects rendered harmless by their mode of preparation and packing. These articles, with the exception of tubes of serum sent in the ~eneral interest by laboratories or Institutions officially recognized, may not be sent for commercial purposes. Their packing must be in accordance WIth the geuersl regulations concerning samples of merchandise. ARTICLE. 23 Grouped articles Analogous articles. Grouped articles. 1. The uniting in a single Limitations. packet of articles of correspond- ence of different classes is limited to commercial papers, to prints other than impressions in relief for the blind, and to samples of merchandise, on condition: (a) That each article taken singl;r does not exceed the limits a.pplicable to it in regard to weight and dimensions; (b) That the total weight does not exceed 2 kilograms per packetj (c) That the postage charge is at least the minimum charge for commercial papers if the packet contains commercial papers, and the minimum charge for samples if it is composed of prints and samples. 2. These provisions are appli- Articles of dl1fereni cable only to articles subject to classts. the same rate per unit. When an office detects the inclusion in a single packet of articles liable to different rates, that packet is charged, for its total weight, with the rate applicable to the clase for which the rate is highest.