Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/101

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH.95. APRI L 1, 1932 .

77 for 19 31 and 50 per centum of the installment and/or installments of such deferred charges for 193 2, shall be paid as an ad ditional installment to be due and payable one year after the date the last installment under existing contracts shall become due, except in Exception . those cases in which the Secretary of the Interior, whose decision shall be final s hall find necess ary additional i nstallments, whic h he ments authorized stail- is hereby authorized to fix. In the case of any district, water-users' association, or other water-users' organization, or individual under contract for payment of construction charge pursuant to subsection wh en constr uction F, section 4, Act of December 5 1924 (43 Stat. 702), construction payments to continue payments shall be continued on the basis of existing contracts until under exi sti ng con - the entire indebtedness to the United States, including all charges Beauio s02. deferred pursuant to this Act, shall have been . fully paid. Install- ments so carried over shall be subjected to the reductions provided for in section 8 hereof . SEC . 5 . The Secretary of the Interior, in his discretion, and upon Adjustment of con- struction, op eration, acceptance of the provisions of this section by the water users and m aint enanc e affected, in the manner provided in sections 1 and 2 hereof, may chAnte, pp. 75, 76. permit adju stmen t of c onstr uction and/ or op erati on and main te- nance charges heretofore deferred by contracts made pursuant to existing law to be made for the years 1931 and 1932 on 'the basis authorized in sections 1 and 2 hereof or on such other basis as the Secretary may fi nd to be require d in each case . SEC . 6 . The Secretary of the Interior, in his discretion, is further Payment ofconstruc- authorized to defer the payment to the United States from any isao; etc ;def fe ertg e d.' for water-users' organization as defined in section 1 hereof and from any individual water-right applicant or entryman of construction charges and installments of deferred construction and/or deferred operation and maintenance charges for the calendar year 1930 and prior thereto . Such deferred charges, together wi th penalty or Annual installments . interest to December 31, 1931, under existing laws and contracts shall be paid in such annual installments as the Secretary of the Interior may fix . SEC . 7. Any irrigation district water-users' association, or other dcl n inque tof water water-us ers' org anizatio n which has cont racted to pay con structio n use r . charges and which is not in arrears for more than one calendar year in the payment of any construction, operation, and maintenance, or other charge due by it to the United States may, at its option, deliver or authorize the delivery of water during the years 1932 and 1933 to water users who may be more than one year in arrears in the payment of charges or asessments due from such landowner or water user to the district or association . S EC. 8. In the case of any irrigation district, water-users' organi- Power sale profits to zation, or individual, receiing credits on accunt of power profits ments .ucted from pay- or other revenues under the provisions of subsections I and/or J, Vol.43,p • 702• section 4, Act of December 5, 1924 (43 Stat . 703), or any other Act of Congress, when any extension is granted as provided in see- Ante, Pp- 75,76. tion 1, 2, or 4 the amount of such credits shall be deducted from the amou nt of any payment so extended : Provided, That the provisions Not pplicable unless of this section shall n ot apply to powe r profit s or oth er reven ues Federal construction . derived from works not constructed at the expense of the United States . The credits, if any, in excess off the payment so extended Credits in excess of shall be applied as now provided by law and contract . Acceptance pay men t . acceptance of the provisions of this Act shall operate as a waiver of any law hereof- and/or contract providing for application of credits different from that in 'thiasection prescribed .