Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1054

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1030 Order of 72d C ONGRESS . SESS . II. CH. 127. FEBRUARY 27, 1933 . " Canal Zone, - -division ' " The last will of A . B ., deceased, a copy of which is hereto annexed, - having been proved and recorded in the - division of the district court, C . D ., who is named therein as such, is hereby appointed executo r . " Witness, G. H., clerk of the district court, with the seal of the court affixed the day of

, A. D., 19-. " [SEAT .] "By order of the court " By order of the court " G. H., Clerk ." Letters of adminis- SEC. 707 . FO RM OF LE11r.HS OF ADMI NIST RATI ON W ITH THE WI LL tration, o.t.a.

ANNEXED.-Letters of administration, with the will annexed, must be substantially in the following form " Canal Zone, division " The last will of A . B., deceased, a copy of which is hereto annexed, having been proved and recorded in the division of the district court, and there being no executor named in the will (or as the case may be), C. D . is hereby appointed administrator with the~will annexed. " Witnes s, G. H., clerk of the district court, with the seal of the court affixed, the

day of , A . D., 19-. " [SEAL.] "G. H., Clerk ." Letters of adminis- SEC. 708 . FORM OF LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION .-Letters of admin- tration.

istration must be signed by the clerk, under the seal of the court, and substantially in the following form " Canal Zone, division " C. D . is hereby appointed administrator of the estate of A . B ., deceased . " [SEAL .] " Witness, G . H ., clerk of the district court, with the seal thereof affixed, the

day of , A. .19- . " By order of the court "G. H ., Clerk." To whom, and order

LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION, TO WHOM AND THE ORDER In which granted . IN WHICH THEY ARE GRANTED SEC. 709 . ORDER OF PERSONS ENTITLED TO ADMINISTER- Administra-tion of the e state of a perso n dying intestat e must be granted to some one or more of the persons hereinafter mentioned, the relatives of the decease d being entitled to admi nister o nly when they ar e entitl ed to succeed to his estate or some portion thereof ; and they are, respectively, entitled thereto in the following order 1. The surviving husband or wife, or some competent person whom he or she may request to have appointed .