Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1057

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72d CONGRESS . SESS . II. CH. 127 . FEB RUARY 27, 1933 . reques t, st ating that he d esire s spe cial notic e of any or all of the follo wing menti oned matte rs, s teps or pr oceed ings in the adm inist ra- tion of sa id est ate, to wit (1) Filing of petitions for sales, leases or mortgages and confirmation of sales of any property of the estate ; ~2j Filing of accounts ; 3 Filing of petitions for distribution ; 4 Filing of petitions for partition of any property of the estate . S uch request shall st ate the post-office add re ss of the person making same. GIVING OF NOTICES.-And thereafter a brief notice of the filing of Giving of notices. any of such petitions, or accou nts, excep t pet ition s for sale of perish- able prope rty or oth er pe rsona l pro perty whic h wil l inc ur ex pense or lo ss by keep ing, shall be a ddres sed to suc h per son m aking such req ue st, or his attorney, alt his sta ted p ost-o ffice addr ess, and deposited in the post office with the postage thereon prepaid, within two days after the filing of such petition or account ; or per sonal ser vi ce of su ch no tic es may be ma de on the person making such req ue st or his attorney, within said two days, and su ch personal service shall be equivalent to such deposit in the post office, and proof of ma iling or of per sonal serv ice m ust be fil ed wi th the cle rk before the heari ng of such peti tion or ac count . FINDING REGARDING NOTICES .-If upon the hearing it shall appear Finding regarding to the satisfaction of the court tha t sai d notice has beers regularly notices . given , the cour t sha ll so find in its or der or jud gment , and such j udgme nt sh all be fin al and con clusi ve up on all per sons . SEC. 725. UNITED STATES AS A PARTY TO ESTATES, PROCEEDINGS, ETC .- Where compensation, pensions, insurance or other allowance is made or aw ard ed by the United .' States Government or a dep ar tme nt or bureau thereof, to estates of decedents or to minor or incompetent persons for whom guardians ha ve be en appointed or to their estates, the department or bureau of the United States Government making or awarding such allowance, compensation, pension, or insurance shall have the same right to c ommen ce and pro secut e act ions on executors, administrators, and guardians' bonds, and shall have the same right to p etiti on the cou rt for app ointm ent or rem oval of guard ians of mi nor and in compe tent perso ns, and sh all h ave the same right to file exceptions in writing to accounts of executors, admin istra tors, and guard ians and to con test same, as is pro vided in this code for inte reste d par ties, heir s at law, and r elati ves . REVO CATIO N OF LEI ir .RS, AND PROCEEDINGS THEREFOR SEC. 726 . REVOCATION OF LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION .-When letters of administration ha ve be en gr ant ed to any ot her person th an the surviv ing h usban d or wife, chil d, fa ther, moth er, b rothe r, or sist er of the inte state , any one of th em who is compe tent, or any co mpete nt person at the written request of any one of them, may obtain the rev oca ti on of the let te rs, and be entitled to the administration, by presenting to the court a petition praying the revocation, and that l etter s of admin istra tion may be iss ued to him . SEC. 727 . WHEN PETITION FILED, CITATION TO ISSUE .-When such petition is filed, the clerk must, in addi tion to the not ice p rovid ed in sec ti on 71 7, is sue a citation to the administrator to appear and answer the same at the time appointed for the hearing . SEC . 728 . HEA RING OF PETITION' FOR REVOCATION .-At the time appoi nted, the citat ion h aving been duly serv ed and ret urned , the court must proceed to hear the allegations and proofs of the parties

1039' United States as party, etc . Revocation of letters, etc . Proceedings ; peti- tion. Citation to issue . Hearing of petition .