Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1080

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1056 72d C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 127 . FEBRUARY 27, 1933 . Investment of mon- SEC. 840 . INVESTMENT OF MONEYS OF ESTATE PENDING SETTLEMENT .- ment, rycurt orde~ . e Pending the settlement of any estate, on the petition of any person inter ested ther ein, and u pon g ood c ause shown ther efor, the court may order any money in the hands of the executors or administrators to be invested for the ben ef it of the estate in sec ur iti es of the United States . Notice of hearing on petition .

Such order can only be made after ten days' notice of the hearing of the s aid petition, by notice posted in three public places in the Canal Zone , or by publication in a newspaper of general circulation therein, or both, as the c ourt or judge shall direc t . CONVEYANCE CHAPTER 31 .-CONVEYANCE OF REAL ESTATE AND AND PROPERTY, TRANSFER OF PERSONAL PROPERTY BY EXECUTORS REAL ONAL .AND PER- AND ADMI NISTR ATORS IN C ERTAI N CAS ES Completion of con- tracts for sale .

SEC. 841 . EXECUTOR OR ADMINISTRATOR TO COMP LETE CONTR ACTS FOR SALE OF REAL OR PERSONAL PROPERTY .- Whe n a person who is bound by con tr act in writing to convey any re al estate, or to transfer any perso nal p roper ty, d ies b efore maki ng co nveya nce or tra nsfer , and in all cas es wh en su ch de ceden t, if livi ng, m ight be co mpell ed to make such conveyance or transfer, the court having jurisdiction of the probate proceedings of the estate of su ch decedent, may mak e a decree authorizing and directing the executor or administrator of su ch deceased person to convey or transfer such real estate or personal property to the person entitled thereto . Proce dure to en force . SEC. 842. PETITION FOR EXECUTOR OR ADMINISTRATOR TO MAKE CON- VEY ANC E OR TRANSFER AND NOTICE OF HE AR ING .-On the presentation of a verified petition by the executor or administrator, or by any person claiming to be entitled to such conveyance from an executor or ad minis trato r, se tting fort h the fact s upo n whi ch the cla im is predi cated , the cour t or judge shal l app oint a tim e and plac e for hea rin g the petition, and sh all order notice thereof to be served on the e xecut or or admi nistr ator perso nally when he is not the peti- tio ner , and to be published at le ast o nce a we ek for fou r suc ce ssi ve weeks before such hearing, in a newspaper of general circulation in the Canal Zone . es Contest ies by inter` SEC. 843. INTERESTED PARTIES MAY CONTEST .- At the tim e and place appointed for the hearing, or at such other time to which the same may be postponed, upon satisfactory proof by affidavit or other- wise, of the due publication of the notice, the court shall proceed to hear the sa id pe titio n, and all pers ons i ntere sted in the . estate may appear and conte st su ch pe titio n, by fili ng th eir o bject ions in wr it- in g, and the court may examine, on oath, the petitioner and all who may be produced before him for that purpose . Decree authorizing . Sm . 844 . DECREE AUTHORIZING CONVEYANCE .-If aft er a full hear- ing u pon the pe titio n and obje ction s and exam inati on of the facts and circumstances of the claim, the court is satisfied tha t the c on- veyance of the real estate described iii the petition to the party entitled thereto should be made, a decree authorizing and directing the executor or administrator to execute a conveyance thereof to the party entitled thereto must be made . ancs Execution of convey- SE C. 845 . ExE CUTIO N OF 'CONV hYANC E OR TRANS FER, AND THE RE CORD- ING OF THE ORDER THEREFOR .--The executor or administrator must execute the conveyance or transfer according to the directions con- tained in the decree, which decree shall be prima facie evidence of the correctness of the proceedings, and of the authority of the executor or administrator to make the conveyance or transfer .