Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1185

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72d C ONGRESS . SESS . II. CH. 128 . FEBRUARY 27, 1933. restitution of his ma terial in k ind, i n the same quant ity, w eight , measure, and quality, or the value thereof ; or wher e he is e ntitl e to the produ ct, the value thereof in place of the product . SEC . 258 . WRON GDO ER LIA BLE IN DAMAGES .-One who wron gfu lly employs materials belonging to another, is liable to him in damages, as well as under the foregoing provisions of this chapter . CHAPTER 21 .-TRANSFER OF PRO PERTY DEFINITION OF TRAN SFER SEC . 259 . TRANSFER, wHAT .-Transfer is an act of the parties, or of the law, by which the title to property is conveyed from one living person to another . CROS S RE FEREN CES Transfer, see sections 260 and 267 . Transf er in wri ting is c alled a g rant, see section 267 . SEC . 26 0. VOLUNTARY TRANSFER .-A voluntary transfer is an exe- cuted contract, subject to all rules of law concerning contracts in general ; except that a consideration is not necessary to its validity . CROSS REFERENCES Gifts, see section 281 et seq . Transfe r, see secti ons 259 and 267 . WHAT MAY BE TRANSFERRED SEC. 261 . WH AT MAY BE TRANSFERRED.-Property of any kind may ferredet may be trails . be transferred, except as otherwise provided by sections 26 2 and 2 63 . SEC . 262. POSSIBILITY.-A mere possibility, not coupled with an interest, can not be transferred . CROSS REFERENCE Mere possibility not deemed an interest, see section 215 . SEC. 263. R IGHT OF REPOSSESSION CAN BE T EA NSFERR ED .-A right of Right of repossession can be transferred repossession for breach of condition subsequent, can be transferred . MO DE OF TRAN SFE R SEE . 264 . WH EN OR AL .--A t ransfe r may be ma de wi thout writi ng, in every case in which a writing is not expressly required b y statute . CROSS REFERENCES What contracts mu st be in wri ting, see sec tions 541 an d 600 . Fraudulent instruments and transfers, see sections 1659 and 1660 . SEC. 265 . WHEN MUST BE IN WRITING.-An interest in an existing trust can be transferred only by operation of law, or by a written instrument, subscribed by the person making the transfer, or by his agent . SEC . 266 . TRANSFER BY SALE, AND 50 FORTH .-The mode of trans- ferring other personal property by sale is regulated by chapter 34 of this code . SEC. 267. GRANT, WFIAT .--A transfer in writing is called a grant or bill of sale . The term `' grant," in this and section s 26 8 to 280, includes both these instruments . 1161 W rongdo er lia ble in da mages . TRANSFER OF PROPERTY . Transfer defined . Voluntary transfer . Poet, p. 1163 . Mere possibility . Ante, p . 1155 . Mode of transfer. Orally . Post, pp . 1197, 1204 . Post, p . 1336. In Writing. By sale, etc. Post, p 1204 . "Grant" defined .