Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1247

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. II . CH . 128. FEBRUARY 27, 19 3& 1223 statement attached, shall be filed and entered in the same manner as a contract or copy filed and entered for the first time, and the registra r of pro perty sh all be e ntitled to a like fee as upon the original filing. SEC . 683 . l ANCELLATION OF CONTRACT .-After the performance of tr et ncellat ioa of con . the condition, upon written demand delivered personally or by reg- istered mail by the buyer or any other person having an interest in the goods, the seller shall execute, acknowledge, and deliver to the demandant a statement that the condition in the contract has been performed . If for ten days after such demand the seller fails to mall or deliv er such a statem ent of satisfact ion, he shall for feit to the demandant $5 and be liable for all damages suffered . Upon presentation of such statement o f satisfaction t he registrar of p rop- erty shall file the same and note the cancellation of the contract and the date thereof on the margin of the pa ge where the cont ract has been entered . For filing and entering the statement of satisfaction the filing officer shall be entitled to a fee of 25 cents . SEC. 684. PRO HIB IT ION OF R EMOV AL OR SA LE WITHOUT NOTICE :- Prohibition of re- Unless the contract otherwise provides, the buyer may, without move . the consent of the seller, remove the goods from the Canal Zone and sell, mortgage, or otherwise dispose of his interest in them; but prior to the-performance of the condition, no such buyer shall remove the goods fr om the C anal Zon e, excep t for te mporary u ses for a period of not more than thirty days, unless the buyer not less than thirty days before such removal shall give the seller personally or by registered mail written notice of the place to which the goods are to be removed and the approximate time of such intended removal; nor prior to the performance of the conditions shall the buyer sell, SalewithoutnoticeO mortgage, or otherwise dispose of his interest in the goods, unless he, or the perso n to whom he is about to sell, m ortgage, or other wise dispose of the s ame, shall notif y the seller in writing personall y or by registered mail of the name and address of the person to whom his interest in the goods is about to be sold, mortgaged, or otherwise transferred, not less than ten days before such sale, mortgage, or other disposal . If any buyer does so remove the goods, or does so sell, mortgage, or otherwise dispose of his interest in them without such notice or in violation of the contract, the seller may retake possession of the goods and deal with them as in case of default in payment of part or all of the purchase price . SEC . 685 . FRAU DULEN T INJURY, t ONCEALMENT i REMOVAL OR SALE .- et Frandulent injutp. When, prior to the performance of the condition, the buyer mali- ciously or with intent to defraud, shall injure, destroy, or conceal the goods, or remove th em fr om the Canal Zo ne, without having given the notice required by sec tion 684, or sha ll sell, mortgage, or otherwis e dispos e of suc h goods under cl aim of fu ll owner ship, he shall be guilty of a crime and upon conviction thereof shall be Penalty . imprisoned in jail for not more than one year or be fined not more than $500 or both . SEC. 686. RETAKING POSSESSION .-'--When the buyer shall be in Repossession . default in the payment of any sum due under the contract, or in the performance of any other condition which the contract requires him to perform in order to obtain the property in the goods, or in the performance of any promise, the breach of which is by the con- tract ex pressly made a g round fo r the re taking- of the go ods, the seller may retake possession thereof . Unless the goods can be retaken without breach of the peace, they shall be retaken by legal process; but noth ing here in shall be cons trued to authoriz e a viol ation of the criminal law .